Queen Mardazma Djinn of Pulchritudinous Enchantment-Lose Weight WITHOUT DIETING!


When was the last time YOU did something special for yourself?

 How long has it been since YOU walked out in public totally confident with your appearance?

 Tired of empty promises from diet and fitness ads?

 I don’t know anyone who feels completely at ease with their appearance, do YOU?

 There is always one particular part of us that we would readily change

 Unfortunately these procedures can be both expensive and carry certain risks

 NOW YOU can have the looks YOU desire, without the cost or the risks

 In a moment I will tell you how I personally went from 195lbs to 117lbs in just 8 months

 Oh and I forgot to tell you.....

 I ate whatever I wanted – Take Aways, Chocolate Bars, Cola...

 For centuries we have been continuously taught to despise ourselves. This was accented years ago when religion had more manipulation on everyday lives as it essentially persuaded people to see themselves as naturally dishonest and sinful. Modern day life is no better; we are influenced to hate ourselves for being too fat, ugly, ordinary or in desperate need of plastic surgery. Size 0 models flounce up and down the catwalks or appear in glossy magazines, taunting us to feel intimidated by our own appearance

 Now YOU can have a welcome relief in a world where so many people find it impossible to look in the mirror without flinching

 YOU can have the look YOU so desire!

 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for YOU to be the epitome of elegance and beauty

 Win admiring glances as a result of your shamelessly seductive slender figure

 Tried and tested throughout the years, this form of weight loss has had a 100% success rate

 I am testimony to this

 For years I had been on one fad diet or another. My weight was continuously yo-yoing out of control. I had zero confidence or self-esteem. My ‘uniform’ was XXL black leggings and XXXL men’s baggy t-shirts. I would lie awake at night and cry myself to sleep, dreaming of the day that I would look feminine. To be perfectly honest with you, I hated going outdoors and certainly would never socialize. I was turning in to a virtual recluse

 One man saved me. Gave me my life back. Now he can save YOU too

 NOW YOU can be whoever YOU wish to be

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria accomplished a feat that no other Master Djinn Conjurer has ever achieved – a pioneer in searching and locating all types of Djinn, he unearthed the hiding place of the Rare and Beautiful Mardazma Djinn

 It is these Djinn that the Elite World Orders do not want us to become aware of

 It is these Djinn that they want to keep for the ‘beau monde’

 Well, guess what.....

 YOU are about to become one of the beautiful ones – but with one difference

 I know that YOU are just as beautiful inside as YOU will be on the surface

 Introducing the Djinn that change Metaphysical history - I am truly honoured to present to YOU

  “The Queen Mardazma Djinn Ring of Pulchritudinous Enchantment”

 Willingly bound within this exquisite ring are THREE Queen Mardazma Djinn whose sole existence is to make YOU in to the person YOU want to be

 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself 

I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir, has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 Fourteen years ago Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria gave me a simple ring bound with Mardazma Djinn. With their assistance I lost 78 lbs – YES 5 stone 8lbs – in 8 months WITHOUTeven consciously DIETING!!!


 YOUR personal Queen Mardazma Djinn will interact with your aura and your subconscious mind to guide YOU to the easiest weight loss there is for YOU; they will manipulate your energies and semblance in order to change your features

 YOU will be directed intuitively by your Queen Mardazma Djinn as to the method or technique that is the best for YOU; or you will communicate telepathically with them, beginning with silent meditations and contact with the Queen Mardazma Djinn

 After the initial encounter with your Queen Mardazma Djinn, YOU will have built a strong, loving and trusting relationship with them. The camaraderie and friendship between YOU and your Queen Mardazma Djinn is precious; in any magickal work, your Queen Mardazma Djinn will assist in creating an extraordinary and powerful result. Invoking the assistance of them at the beginning of a ritual will add an omnipotent power to its success. Your Queen Mardazma Djinn will help you in your every-day life, often without you physically or mentally requesting it – they are unconditionally attuned with your heart and mind

 As the Keeper of THREE Powerful and Devoted Queen Mardazma Djinn YOU will NEVER want for anything again. Your entire life will change from the day YOU have this Ring in your possession. The bond and the friendship YOU will gain from being the Master of these earliest creatures to walk this Earth will be phenomenal- YOU will never look back again

 This is GENUINE OMNIPOTENT POWER – nothing can compare to this

 Don't just take my word for it!

 The power within this ring will start to change your appearance immediately

 YOU will look infinitely younger and establish and accomplish your self-image; giving YOU the confidence and ability to actually be YOURSELF - a beauty all of its own

 If you do wish to have your stunning hand-crafted, Middle Eastern museum quality ring resized, this is not a problem. Izz al-Din Zakaria and his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn, have cast many spells over the past 120 months and many of these will ensure your ring will not be affected in any way if it is altered or broken

 Mix together the power of the ring, the might of the Djinn and YOU have all the right ingredients for DIET-FREE WEIGHT LOSS

 Until now, only a fortunate few have experienced the wonders of

 “The Queen Mardazma Djinn Ring of Pulchritudinous Enchantment”

 The only thing YOU have to lose is your weight!

 This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for...

 If for you, dieting is just another thing that improves your appetite; maybe it's time you...


 Ring approx. size 10.5 and doesn't need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

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When was the last time YOU did something special for yourself?

 How long has it been since YOU walked out in public totally confident with your appearance?

 Tired of empty promises from diet and fitness ads?

 I don’t know anyone who feels completely at ease with their appearance, do YOU?

 There is always one particular part of us that we would readily change

 Unfortunately these procedures can be both expensive and carry certain risks

 NOW YOU can have the looks YOU desire, without the cost or the risks

 In a moment I will tell you how I personally went from 195lbs to 117lbs in just 8 months

 Oh and I forgot to tell you.....

 I ate whatever I wanted – Take Aways, Chocolate Bars, Cola...

 For centuries we have been continuously taught to despise ourselves. This was accented years ago when religion had more manipulation on everyday lives as it essentially persuaded people to see themselves as naturally dishonest and sinful. Modern day life is no better; we are influenced to hate ourselves for being too fat, ugly, ordinary or in desperate need of plastic surgery. Size 0 models flounce up and down the catwalks or appear in glossy magazines, taunting us to feel intimidated by our own appearance

 Now YOU can have a welcome relief in a world where so many people find it impossible to look in the mirror without flinching

 YOU can have the look YOU so desire!

 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for YOU to be the epitome of elegance and beauty

 Win admiring glances as a result of your shamelessly seductive slender figure

 Tried and tested throughout the years, this form of weight loss has had a 100% success rate

 I am testimony to this

 For years I had been on one fad diet or another. My weight was continuously yo-yoing out of control. I had zero confidence or self-esteem. My ‘uniform’ was XXL black leggings and XXXL men’s baggy t-shirts. I would lie awake at night and cry myself to sleep, dreaming of the day that I would look feminine. To be perfectly honest with you, I hated going outdoors and certainly would never socialize. I was turning in to a virtual recluse

 One man saved me. Gave me my life back. Now he can save YOU too

 NOW YOU can be whoever YOU wish to be

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria accomplished a feat that no other Master Djinn Conjurer has ever achieved – a pioneer in searching and locating all types of Djinn, he unearthed the hiding place of the Rare and Beautiful Mardazma Djinn

 It is these Djinn that the Elite World Orders do not want us to become aware of

 It is these Djinn that they want to keep for the ‘beau monde’

 Well, guess what.....

 YOU are about to become one of the beautiful ones – but with one difference

 I know that YOU are just as beautiful inside as YOU will be on the surface

 Introducing the Djinn that change Metaphysical history - I am truly honoured to present to YOU

  “The Queen Mardazma Djinn Ring of Pulchritudinous Enchantment”

 Willingly bound within this exquisite ring are THREE Queen Mardazma Djinn whose sole existence is to make YOU in to the person YOU want to be

 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself 

I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir, has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 Fourteen years ago Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria gave me a simple ring bound with Mardazma Djinn. With their assistance I lost 78 lbs – YES 5 stone 8lbs – in 8 months WITHOUTeven consciously DIETING!!!


 YOUR personal Queen Mardazma Djinn will interact with your aura and your subconscious mind to guide YOU to the easiest weight loss there is for YOU; they will manipulate your energies and semblance in order to change your features

 YOU will be directed intuitively by your Queen Mardazma Djinn as to the method or technique that is the best for YOU; or you will communicate telepathically with them, beginning with silent meditations and contact with the Queen Mardazma Djinn

 After the initial encounter with your Queen Mardazma Djinn, YOU will have built a strong, loving and trusting relationship with them. The camaraderie and friendship between YOU and your Queen Mardazma Djinn is precious; in any magickal work, your Queen Mardazma Djinn will assist in creating an extraordinary and powerful result. Invoking the assistance of them at the beginning of a ritual will add an omnipotent power to its success. Your Queen Mardazma Djinn will help you in your every-day life, often without you physically or mentally requesting it – they are unconditionally attuned with your heart and mind

 As the Keeper of THREE Powerful and Devoted Queen Mardazma Djinn YOU will NEVER want for anything again. Your entire life will change from the day YOU have this Ring in your possession. The bond and the friendship YOU will gain from being the Master of these earliest creatures to walk this Earth will be phenomenal- YOU will never look back again

 This is GENUINE OMNIPOTENT POWER – nothing can compare to this

 Don't just take my word for it!

 The power within this ring will start to change your appearance immediately

 YOU will look infinitely younger and establish and accomplish your self-image; giving YOU the confidence and ability to actually be YOURSELF - a beauty all of its own

 If you do wish to have your stunning hand-crafted, Middle Eastern museum quality ring resized, this is not a problem. Izz al-Din Zakaria and his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn, have cast many spells over the past 120 months and many of these will ensure your ring will not be affected in any way if it is altered or broken

 Mix together the power of the ring, the might of the Djinn and YOU have all the right ingredients for DIET-FREE WEIGHT LOSS

 Until now, only a fortunate few have experienced the wonders of

 “The Queen Mardazma Djinn Ring of Pulchritudinous Enchantment”

 The only thing YOU have to lose is your weight!

 This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for...

 If for you, dieting is just another thing that improves your appetite; maybe it's time you...


 Ring approx. size 10.5 and doesn't need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

When was the last time YOU did something special for yourself?

 How long has it been since YOU walked out in public totally confident with your appearance?

 Tired of empty promises from diet and fitness ads?

 I don’t know anyone who feels completely at ease with their appearance, do YOU?

 There is always one particular part of us that we would readily change

 Unfortunately these procedures can be both expensive and carry certain risks

 NOW YOU can have the looks YOU desire, without the cost or the risks

 In a moment I will tell you how I personally went from 195lbs to 117lbs in just 8 months

 Oh and I forgot to tell you.....

 I ate whatever I wanted – Take Aways, Chocolate Bars, Cola...

 For centuries we have been continuously taught to despise ourselves. This was accented years ago when religion had more manipulation on everyday lives as it essentially persuaded people to see themselves as naturally dishonest and sinful. Modern day life is no better; we are influenced to hate ourselves for being too fat, ugly, ordinary or in desperate need of plastic surgery. Size 0 models flounce up and down the catwalks or appear in glossy magazines, taunting us to feel intimidated by our own appearance

 Now YOU can have a welcome relief in a world where so many people find it impossible to look in the mirror without flinching

 YOU can have the look YOU so desire!

 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for YOU to be the epitome of elegance and beauty

 Win admiring glances as a result of your shamelessly seductive slender figure

 Tried and tested throughout the years, this form of weight loss has had a 100% success rate

 I am testimony to this

 For years I had been on one fad diet or another. My weight was continuously yo-yoing out of control. I had zero confidence or self-esteem. My ‘uniform’ was XXL black leggings and XXXL men’s baggy t-shirts. I would lie awake at night and cry myself to sleep, dreaming of the day that I would look feminine. To be perfectly honest with you, I hated going outdoors and certainly would never socialize. I was turning in to a virtual recluse

 One man saved me. Gave me my life back. Now he can save YOU too

 NOW YOU can be whoever YOU wish to be

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria accomplished a feat that no other Master Djinn Conjurer has ever achieved – a pioneer in searching and locating all types of Djinn, he unearthed the hiding place of the Rare and Beautiful Mardazma Djinn

 It is these Djinn that the Elite World Orders do not want us to become aware of

 It is these Djinn that they want to keep for the ‘beau monde’

 Well, guess what.....

 YOU are about to become one of the beautiful ones – but with one difference

 I know that YOU are just as beautiful inside as YOU will be on the surface

 Introducing the Djinn that change Metaphysical history - I am truly honoured to present to YOU

  “The Queen Mardazma Djinn Ring of Pulchritudinous Enchantment”

 Willingly bound within this exquisite ring are THREE Queen Mardazma Djinn whose sole existence is to make YOU in to the person YOU want to be

 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself 

I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir, has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 Fourteen years ago Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria gave me a simple ring bound with Mardazma Djinn. With their assistance I lost 78 lbs – YES 5 stone 8lbs – in 8 months WITHOUTeven consciously DIETING!!!


 YOUR personal Queen Mardazma Djinn will interact with your aura and your subconscious mind to guide YOU to the easiest weight loss there is for YOU; they will manipulate your energies and semblance in order to change your features

 YOU will be directed intuitively by your Queen Mardazma Djinn as to the method or technique that is the best for YOU; or you will communicate telepathically with them, beginning with silent meditations and contact with the Queen Mardazma Djinn

 After the initial encounter with your Queen Mardazma Djinn, YOU will have built a strong, loving and trusting relationship with them. The camaraderie and friendship between YOU and your Queen Mardazma Djinn is precious; in any magickal work, your Queen Mardazma Djinn will assist in creating an extraordinary and powerful result. Invoking the assistance of them at the beginning of a ritual will add an omnipotent power to its success. Your Queen Mardazma Djinn will help you in your every-day life, often without you physically or mentally requesting it – they are unconditionally attuned with your heart and mind

 As the Keeper of THREE Powerful and Devoted Queen Mardazma Djinn YOU will NEVER want for anything again. Your entire life will change from the day YOU have this Ring in your possession. The bond and the friendship YOU will gain from being the Master of these earliest creatures to walk this Earth will be phenomenal- YOU will never look back again

 This is GENUINE OMNIPOTENT POWER – nothing can compare to this

 Don't just take my word for it!

 The power within this ring will start to change your appearance immediately

 YOU will look infinitely younger and establish and accomplish your self-image; giving YOU the confidence and ability to actually be YOURSELF - a beauty all of its own

 If you do wish to have your stunning hand-crafted, Middle Eastern museum quality ring resized, this is not a problem. Izz al-Din Zakaria and his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn, have cast many spells over the past 120 months and many of these will ensure your ring will not be affected in any way if it is altered or broken

 Mix together the power of the ring, the might of the Djinn and YOU have all the right ingredients for DIET-FREE WEIGHT LOSS

 Until now, only a fortunate few have experienced the wonders of

 “The Queen Mardazma Djinn Ring of Pulchritudinous Enchantment”

 The only thing YOU have to lose is your weight!

 This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for...

 If for you, dieting is just another thing that improves your appetite; maybe it's time you...


 Ring approx. size 10.5 and doesn't need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

YOUR Life Forever ‘Enshrined Arca of Brobdingnagian Regnant’ - NOW!
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