Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance - Djinn Ring GODLIKE POWER

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What you are about to view is definitely one of THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL RING EVER to be offered in to the public domain!

 The power this object possesses has the capability to CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!


 YOU are about to experience the GODLIKE POWER of the Paramount of Djinn Trouvaillity…

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 This sacred vessel contains the mystery to YOUR new life…

 That mystery is waiting for YOU to discover the Answer…

 The Answer to your dreams … hopes … desires

 I should know…

 For decades I have been aware of the knowledge as yet unreleased to the public…

 I am now going to show what power works for me...

 This Power is NOW available to YOU

 The Mount Olympus of the Djinn World is right here...


 The Answer is here!


 YOU are about to discover what you have always searched for!


 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A FLASH!

 YOU WILL be Overflowing with an Astounding Confidence!

 I know, I use it constantly!

  Friends comment at my impregnable confidence, asking ‘Where is this power come from?’

 NOW YOU can possess this very same power – with ‘The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’

 YOU ARE NOT GOING TO NEED ANY GREAT EFFORT – you are going to find this so simple, that you won’t believe it!


 And all this is just the beginning!

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance is the answer in your quest to obtain whatever you desire: new car … a decent place to live … a boyfriend, girlfriend, soul mate –



 It’s Time You Started Making Money…

 It’s time you started WINNING it…


 Do you currently feel there is no honest way out? …


 …With ‘The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’ in your possession get ready for change

 To turn despair to hope, failure to success, negative thinking to positive …

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance



 Bound within the Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 You Are Going to be as Rich, as Healthy, as Loved, as Respected, and as Lucky as You Want to be...

 With The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 Willingly bound within this AMAZING hand-crafted vestige are 11 different Phylum of Sovereign Djinn, all with legions and armies of thousands of Djinn working under their command

 Just imagine having Tens of Thousands of Djinn under YOUR command, willing to grant YOUR EVERY WISH FOR ETERNITY!!!

 This is GENUINE DJINN POWER – your life WILL change beyond ALL recognition

 This Masterpiece of genuine archaic Middle Eastern craftsmanship is the illustrious reliquary for TRUE “exceptional” Ancient Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Sovereign Djinn. They will tell their real-life stories; where they come from; how old they are; whom they have served. They will show you their secrets to untold power and guide you on your path to your very own Utopia

 The Djinn within the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’ are the key to allowing YOU to IMMEDIATELY unlock the LIMITS of obscure UNIVERSAL POWER and WISDOM enriching your life with things that you could have only ever imagined in your dreams!

 These are undeniably THE MOST POWERFUL Djinn YOU will have EVER ENCOUNTERED in YOUR life!

 As the Master of the Sacred Djinn of the Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance, you will discover the God-like powers of:

 The Horn of Plenty – with the power on the God-like scale of Ploutos, no longer will you have the stress of debts, credit card bills, mortgages; YOU will be given the freedom to buy whatever YOU like, whenever YOU like. That cornucopia of riches will be at your disposal to do with as you wish

 Starry Romance and Cosmic Beauty – it will be as though Aphrodite herself has stepped in to your life. True love, Romance and adoring mate...a successful end to bitterness between yourself and another. If your partner has deserted you for another use this inexhaustible power to bring back your lost love; and like the Goddess Aphrodite, you will become intoxicatingly beautiful, enchantingly charismatic, charmingly handsome

 The Fountain of Eternal Youth – With the power to match that of the Goddess Hebe, YOU can be at the peak of YOUR health and fitness, feeling younger and more energised than ever before

 The Wisdom of Athena - Poor concentration? Do your thoughts keep wandering? Are you worried about sitting an exam or taking a test? Anxious that your poor concentration is going to fail you? … With the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’, your chances of passing any test or exam will multiply a hundredfold, your focus will be steady and sharp, your concentration and memory will be phenomenal and you will have the Knowledge and Wisdom that would put the Goddess Athena to shame!

 The Strength of Hercules – With the strength of mind rather that brawn… You will become bold and self-assured, no matter how much you lack confidence at present! You will gain respect… if people are taking you for granted, ignoring you, or even laughing at you… no more! You will experience immediate power and authority! YOU will have the ability to summon up Godlike Strength like Hercules

 The Power of Zeus – With Godlike power at your disposal, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. The World is your Oyster as you will have the ability to access the Universal Power of the Djinn for all Eternity



 YOU Can NOW Achieve Absolutely ANY GOAL, WISH or DESIRE

 As soon as YOU click the ‘Pay Now’ Button for the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’, YOU will instantly be on the pathway of YOUR NEW AND PERFECT LIFE

 This monumental yet exquisitely beautiful vestige that houses these OMNIPOTENT Regal Djinn is befitting of such ALMIGHTY GOD-LIKE POWER. This museum quality ring does not have to be worn on your finger for the full omnipotent power of these mighty Djinn to manifest. You can wear your masterfully sculptured vestige on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket. Hand-crafted for the Fakir by traditional Middle Eastern Artisans, this Titan of a ring has been masterfully carved; the designs are surprisingly detailed and delicate for such an immense piece of jewellery. This gargantuan yet exquisite Ring is certainly crafted for immense power!


 The 11 All-Powerful Phylum of Sovereign Djinn bound to this uniquely hand-crafted unprecedented Ring have existed since time began. They will happily co-exist with any type of being – mortal or immortal. This one-of-a-kind blend of Djinn species was ultimately chosen for the sheer magnitude of power that is given when these specific phylums of First-Class Djinn are combined as one


 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough - there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind!  You will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

 I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir, has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 What will your life be like in 5 years?

 Take control NOW

 This is your window of opportunity…


Ring doesn’t need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

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What you are about to view is definitely one of THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL RING EVER to be offered in to the public domain!

 The power this object possesses has the capability to CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!


 YOU are about to experience the GODLIKE POWER of the Paramount of Djinn Trouvaillity…

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 This sacred vessel contains the mystery to YOUR new life…

 That mystery is waiting for YOU to discover the Answer…

 The Answer to your dreams … hopes … desires

 I should know…

 For decades I have been aware of the knowledge as yet unreleased to the public…

 I am now going to show what power works for me...

 This Power is NOW available to YOU

 The Mount Olympus of the Djinn World is right here...


 The Answer is here!


 YOU are about to discover what you have always searched for!


 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A FLASH!

 YOU WILL be Overflowing with an Astounding Confidence!

 I know, I use it constantly!

  Friends comment at my impregnable confidence, asking ‘Where is this power come from?’

 NOW YOU can possess this very same power – with ‘The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’

 YOU ARE NOT GOING TO NEED ANY GREAT EFFORT – you are going to find this so simple, that you won’t believe it!


 And all this is just the beginning!

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance is the answer in your quest to obtain whatever you desire: new car … a decent place to live … a boyfriend, girlfriend, soul mate –



 It’s Time You Started Making Money…

 It’s time you started WINNING it…


 Do you currently feel there is no honest way out? …


 …With ‘The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’ in your possession get ready for change

 To turn despair to hope, failure to success, negative thinking to positive …

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance



 Bound within the Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 You Are Going to be as Rich, as Healthy, as Loved, as Respected, and as Lucky as You Want to be...

 With The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 Willingly bound within this AMAZING hand-crafted vestige are 11 different Phylum of Sovereign Djinn, all with legions and armies of thousands of Djinn working under their command

 Just imagine having Tens of Thousands of Djinn under YOUR command, willing to grant YOUR EVERY WISH FOR ETERNITY!!!

 This is GENUINE DJINN POWER – your life WILL change beyond ALL recognition

 This Masterpiece of genuine archaic Middle Eastern craftsmanship is the illustrious reliquary for TRUE “exceptional” Ancient Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Sovereign Djinn. They will tell their real-life stories; where they come from; how old they are; whom they have served. They will show you their secrets to untold power and guide you on your path to your very own Utopia

 The Djinn within the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’ are the key to allowing YOU to IMMEDIATELY unlock the LIMITS of obscure UNIVERSAL POWER and WISDOM enriching your life with things that you could have only ever imagined in your dreams!

 These are undeniably THE MOST POWERFUL Djinn YOU will have EVER ENCOUNTERED in YOUR life!

 As the Master of the Sacred Djinn of the Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance, you will discover the God-like powers of:

 The Horn of Plenty – with the power on the God-like scale of Ploutos, no longer will you have the stress of debts, credit card bills, mortgages; YOU will be given the freedom to buy whatever YOU like, whenever YOU like. That cornucopia of riches will be at your disposal to do with as you wish

 Starry Romance and Cosmic Beauty – it will be as though Aphrodite herself has stepped in to your life. True love, Romance and adoring mate...a successful end to bitterness between yourself and another. If your partner has deserted you for another use this inexhaustible power to bring back your lost love; and like the Goddess Aphrodite, you will become intoxicatingly beautiful, enchantingly charismatic, charmingly handsome

 The Fountain of Eternal Youth – With the power to match that of the Goddess Hebe, YOU can be at the peak of YOUR health and fitness, feeling younger and more energised than ever before

 The Wisdom of Athena - Poor concentration? Do your thoughts keep wandering? Are you worried about sitting an exam or taking a test? Anxious that your poor concentration is going to fail you? … With the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’, your chances of passing any test or exam will multiply a hundredfold, your focus will be steady and sharp, your concentration and memory will be phenomenal and you will have the Knowledge and Wisdom that would put the Goddess Athena to shame!

 The Strength of Hercules – With the strength of mind rather that brawn… You will become bold and self-assured, no matter how much you lack confidence at present! You will gain respect… if people are taking you for granted, ignoring you, or even laughing at you… no more! You will experience immediate power and authority! YOU will have the ability to summon up Godlike Strength like Hercules

 The Power of Zeus – With Godlike power at your disposal, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. The World is your Oyster as you will have the ability to access the Universal Power of the Djinn for all Eternity



 YOU Can NOW Achieve Absolutely ANY GOAL, WISH or DESIRE

 As soon as YOU click the ‘Pay Now’ Button for the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’, YOU will instantly be on the pathway of YOUR NEW AND PERFECT LIFE

 This monumental yet exquisitely beautiful vestige that houses these OMNIPOTENT Regal Djinn is befitting of such ALMIGHTY GOD-LIKE POWER. This museum quality ring does not have to be worn on your finger for the full omnipotent power of these mighty Djinn to manifest. You can wear your masterfully sculptured vestige on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket. Hand-crafted for the Fakir by traditional Middle Eastern Artisans, this Titan of a ring has been masterfully carved; the designs are surprisingly detailed and delicate for such an immense piece of jewellery. This gargantuan yet exquisite Ring is certainly crafted for immense power!


 The 11 All-Powerful Phylum of Sovereign Djinn bound to this uniquely hand-crafted unprecedented Ring have existed since time began. They will happily co-exist with any type of being – mortal or immortal. This one-of-a-kind blend of Djinn species was ultimately chosen for the sheer magnitude of power that is given when these specific phylums of First-Class Djinn are combined as one


 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough - there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind!  You will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

 I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir, has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 What will your life be like in 5 years?

 Take control NOW

 This is your window of opportunity…


Ring doesn’t need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

What you are about to view is definitely one of THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL RING EVER to be offered in to the public domain!

 The power this object possesses has the capability to CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!


 YOU are about to experience the GODLIKE POWER of the Paramount of Djinn Trouvaillity…

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 This sacred vessel contains the mystery to YOUR new life…

 That mystery is waiting for YOU to discover the Answer…

 The Answer to your dreams … hopes … desires

 I should know…

 For decades I have been aware of the knowledge as yet unreleased to the public…

 I am now going to show what power works for me...

 This Power is NOW available to YOU

 The Mount Olympus of the Djinn World is right here...


 The Answer is here!


 YOU are about to discover what you have always searched for!


 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A FLASH!

 YOU WILL be Overflowing with an Astounding Confidence!

 I know, I use it constantly!

  Friends comment at my impregnable confidence, asking ‘Where is this power come from?’

 NOW YOU can possess this very same power – with ‘The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’

 YOU ARE NOT GOING TO NEED ANY GREAT EFFORT – you are going to find this so simple, that you won’t believe it!


 And all this is just the beginning!

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance is the answer in your quest to obtain whatever you desire: new car … a decent place to live … a boyfriend, girlfriend, soul mate –



 It’s Time You Started Making Money…

 It’s time you started WINNING it…


 Do you currently feel there is no honest way out? …


 …With ‘The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’ in your possession get ready for change

 To turn despair to hope, failure to success, negative thinking to positive …

 The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance



 Bound within the Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 You Are Going to be as Rich, as Healthy, as Loved, as Respected, and as Lucky as You Want to be...

 With The Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance

 Willingly bound within this AMAZING hand-crafted vestige are 11 different Phylum of Sovereign Djinn, all with legions and armies of thousands of Djinn working under their command

 Just imagine having Tens of Thousands of Djinn under YOUR command, willing to grant YOUR EVERY WISH FOR ETERNITY!!!

 This is GENUINE DJINN POWER – your life WILL change beyond ALL recognition

 This Masterpiece of genuine archaic Middle Eastern craftsmanship is the illustrious reliquary for TRUE “exceptional” Ancient Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Sovereign Djinn. They will tell their real-life stories; where they come from; how old they are; whom they have served. They will show you their secrets to untold power and guide you on your path to your very own Utopia

 The Djinn within the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’ are the key to allowing YOU to IMMEDIATELY unlock the LIMITS of obscure UNIVERSAL POWER and WISDOM enriching your life with things that you could have only ever imagined in your dreams!

 These are undeniably THE MOST POWERFUL Djinn YOU will have EVER ENCOUNTERED in YOUR life!

 As the Master of the Sacred Djinn of the Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance, you will discover the God-like powers of:

 The Horn of Plenty – with the power on the God-like scale of Ploutos, no longer will you have the stress of debts, credit card bills, mortgages; YOU will be given the freedom to buy whatever YOU like, whenever YOU like. That cornucopia of riches will be at your disposal to do with as you wish

 Starry Romance and Cosmic Beauty – it will be as though Aphrodite herself has stepped in to your life. True love, Romance and adoring mate...a successful end to bitterness between yourself and another. If your partner has deserted you for another use this inexhaustible power to bring back your lost love; and like the Goddess Aphrodite, you will become intoxicatingly beautiful, enchantingly charismatic, charmingly handsome

 The Fountain of Eternal Youth – With the power to match that of the Goddess Hebe, YOU can be at the peak of YOUR health and fitness, feeling younger and more energised than ever before

 The Wisdom of Athena - Poor concentration? Do your thoughts keep wandering? Are you worried about sitting an exam or taking a test? Anxious that your poor concentration is going to fail you? … With the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’, your chances of passing any test or exam will multiply a hundredfold, your focus will be steady and sharp, your concentration and memory will be phenomenal and you will have the Knowledge and Wisdom that would put the Goddess Athena to shame!

 The Strength of Hercules – With the strength of mind rather that brawn… You will become bold and self-assured, no matter how much you lack confidence at present! You will gain respect… if people are taking you for granted, ignoring you, or even laughing at you… no more! You will experience immediate power and authority! YOU will have the ability to summon up Godlike Strength like Hercules

 The Power of Zeus – With Godlike power at your disposal, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. The World is your Oyster as you will have the ability to access the Universal Power of the Djinn for all Eternity



 YOU Can NOW Achieve Absolutely ANY GOAL, WISH or DESIRE

 As soon as YOU click the ‘Pay Now’ Button for the ‘Aureola of Almighty Herculean Puissance’, YOU will instantly be on the pathway of YOUR NEW AND PERFECT LIFE

 This monumental yet exquisitely beautiful vestige that houses these OMNIPOTENT Regal Djinn is befitting of such ALMIGHTY GOD-LIKE POWER. This museum quality ring does not have to be worn on your finger for the full omnipotent power of these mighty Djinn to manifest. You can wear your masterfully sculptured vestige on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket. Hand-crafted for the Fakir by traditional Middle Eastern Artisans, this Titan of a ring has been masterfully carved; the designs are surprisingly detailed and delicate for such an immense piece of jewellery. This gargantuan yet exquisite Ring is certainly crafted for immense power!


 The 11 All-Powerful Phylum of Sovereign Djinn bound to this uniquely hand-crafted unprecedented Ring have existed since time began. They will happily co-exist with any type of being – mortal or immortal. This one-of-a-kind blend of Djinn species was ultimately chosen for the sheer magnitude of power that is given when these specific phylums of First-Class Djinn are combined as one


 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough - there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind!  You will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

 I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir, has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 What will your life be like in 5 years?

 Take control NOW

 This is your window of opportunity…


Ring doesn’t need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

King Shaytan Djinni–Djinn of Air-Genius Success Great Business can now be YOURS!
Genuine Knights Templar Royal and Legion Tibicenas Djinn Power & Wish Ring
Ancient Power of the Vampire Djinn – Embrace the Sacred Flame
Guardian of Hidden Knowledge: Harness the Secrets of the Hudam Djinn
Ancient Djinn Doorway of Abundance - POWERFUL - Rare!!!