Ring of the Lupus Animus-EXPERIENCE LYCANTHROPE LIFE-Feel the Werewolf Power

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 “When asked by one of my Clients if I possessed such an item, I thought I would NEVER have anything like this in my collection!” – BaphometDawn

 “Once again, the vision and innovativeness of BaphometDawn’s clientele, never ceases to amaze me! Thank you ‘M’ for your ingenuity and ability to dream of such a magnificent piece of Vampire and Lycan Magick” - Viktor (High Priest of the Blood Moon XIII Coven)

 “This is Magick at its MOST Powerful. Without the foresight of one of BaphometDawn’s Clients, it would never have been created” - Dark Lord Obsidious (Grand High Emperor of the Gateway to Hell Fire Coven)

 “So obvious, so far out there, so amazing!” - Daniel (Alpha Lycan of the Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven)

 Up till today, this type of Power was simply a Myth!

 NO-ONE thought it could ever been done!

 Yet one simple question from one of my clients sent both the Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven and Blood Moon XIII Coven in to a Frenzy of Inventive, Inspired, Imaginative and Productive Brainstorming Sessions that lasted days on end!

 The Final Result was PHENOMENAL!

 The Final Result was thought to be IMPOSSIBLE!

 The Final Result is



 Let me enlighten you as to just exactly what this MAGNIFICENT amulet can do for YOU!

 Coupling the Omnipotent Powers of BOTH Vampyric and Lycanthrope Magicks, the Blood Moon XIII Coven and Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven have created Metaphysical History by SAFELY coalescing Vampyric and Werewolf Transformation Powers TOGETHER IN ONE specially commissioned ARTEFACT!!!!!!

 YES... this is absolutely TRUE!!!

 YES... it’s PURE GENIUS!!!


 Lycanthrope and Vampire combined together in ONE PHYLACTERY!

 YES... you heard me right!!!

 This Duo of Incomparable Godlike Covens have fashioned an EPIC Legacy for themselves. All with the intention in bestowing upon YOU something that YOU could only ever have dreamed of!

 For the First time in history, these two Legendary Covens have discovered the way to conjoin Vampire and Lycanthrope Transformation Powers, WITHOUT causing any harm to our mortal genetics!

 This has previously been an extremely dangerous practise to attempt as the transformation process for each one is entirely different and could literally rip our genetic coding apart as the physical changes took place. However, with literally hundreds of years of research between them, they have discovered the IMPOSSIBLE!


 So what does this entitle YOU to?

 YOU will NOW possess the ability to Completely Transform YOURSELF into a True VAMPIRE-LYCAN!!!!!


 Finely tuned psychic abilities - Your natural instincts and Intuition will rise like a phoenix from the flames as you feel the omnipotent power course through your veins. You will be in command of your own life and influence others around you to do exactly what you wish them to do

Increased Valour, Endurance, Self-Confidence and Inner Strength

Phenomenal Energy Levels, Heightened Libido and the Feeling of Being Immortal

Protection - The security of being entirely shrouded from evil and enemies and the protection you will receive is surpassed by none

Attraction - The amazing power to draw in phenomenal Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity to yourself and your loved ones. Luck, Blessings and Protection will follow you for all eternity

All of the usual mortal elements such as tolerance to sunlight, eating and drinking regular foods, no aversion to holy water, blessed crucifixes etc., and still be visible in reflective surfaces and in photographs

Phenomenal Senses – you will be able to hear and smell with crystal clarity at such a heightened state that you will even able to smell fear, lust, and even the small subconscious olfactory scents associated with lying

Regeneration – As a Genuine Vampire-Lycan, you will have the ability to heal yourself at an extremely highly developed rate

Control Change in Self - With this ability, you will able to control and maintain from shifting during circumstances of strong emotions, anger, and fear, etc. until it is suitable for you to transform.

Psychic Shielding - this allows you to protect yourself from presence, psychic, and auric attacks

Commanding -this ability causes an animalistic fear and almost panic to rise up in your target, which makes them much more susceptible to your orders

Control Change of Others - with this ability you will have the power to help others control their inner beast. You can calm and prevent a change or even force an unwilling change on the victim should you so desire

Facial Manipulation – You will be able to physically transform your facial form to appear younger, older or even like a close friend or relative. The extent of your change is subtle and harmless, yet it is sufficient enough to be distinguishable as a different person, but not so much that the resemblance isn’t seen

Unparalleled Healing Abilities – Although this is a very rare and taxing ability to use, you will gain the capability to heal grievous injuries that nothing else could

Telepathic Communication and Calling – The Ability to communicate with any other Vampires or Lycanthropes in the entire world and also become aware of all other spirits, entities and magickal creatures. They will be drawn to you like moths around a flame and will instinctively know that they are secure in your presence and reveal themselves to you if you so wish. You will be able to call upon the Arcane Power of the Ancestral Werewolf and Vampire Spirits


 My question to YOU is...

 “How badly would YOU like to become a GENUINE VAMPIRE-LYCAN?”

 If this is what you truly desire, I would suggest that you get in quick!!!

 Buy it NOW!!!! 

Ring approx. size 6 3/4 and doesn't need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

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 “When asked by one of my Clients if I possessed such an item, I thought I would NEVER have anything like this in my collection!” – BaphometDawn

 “Once again, the vision and innovativeness of BaphometDawn’s clientele, never ceases to amaze me! Thank you ‘M’ for your ingenuity and ability to dream of such a magnificent piece of Vampire and Lycan Magick” - Viktor (High Priest of the Blood Moon XIII Coven)

 “This is Magick at its MOST Powerful. Without the foresight of one of BaphometDawn’s Clients, it would never have been created” - Dark Lord Obsidious (Grand High Emperor of the Gateway to Hell Fire Coven)

 “So obvious, so far out there, so amazing!” - Daniel (Alpha Lycan of the Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven)

 Up till today, this type of Power was simply a Myth!

 NO-ONE thought it could ever been done!

 Yet one simple question from one of my clients sent both the Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven and Blood Moon XIII Coven in to a Frenzy of Inventive, Inspired, Imaginative and Productive Brainstorming Sessions that lasted days on end!

 The Final Result was PHENOMENAL!

 The Final Result was thought to be IMPOSSIBLE!

 The Final Result is



 Let me enlighten you as to just exactly what this MAGNIFICENT amulet can do for YOU!

 Coupling the Omnipotent Powers of BOTH Vampyric and Lycanthrope Magicks, the Blood Moon XIII Coven and Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven have created Metaphysical History by SAFELY coalescing Vampyric and Werewolf Transformation Powers TOGETHER IN ONE specially commissioned ARTEFACT!!!!!!

 YES... this is absolutely TRUE!!!

 YES... it’s PURE GENIUS!!!


 Lycanthrope and Vampire combined together in ONE PHYLACTERY!

 YES... you heard me right!!!

 This Duo of Incomparable Godlike Covens have fashioned an EPIC Legacy for themselves. All with the intention in bestowing upon YOU something that YOU could only ever have dreamed of!

 For the First time in history, these two Legendary Covens have discovered the way to conjoin Vampire and Lycanthrope Transformation Powers, WITHOUT causing any harm to our mortal genetics!

 This has previously been an extremely dangerous practise to attempt as the transformation process for each one is entirely different and could literally rip our genetic coding apart as the physical changes took place. However, with literally hundreds of years of research between them, they have discovered the IMPOSSIBLE!


 So what does this entitle YOU to?

 YOU will NOW possess the ability to Completely Transform YOURSELF into a True VAMPIRE-LYCAN!!!!!


 Finely tuned psychic abilities - Your natural instincts and Intuition will rise like a phoenix from the flames as you feel the omnipotent power course through your veins. You will be in command of your own life and influence others around you to do exactly what you wish them to do

Increased Valour, Endurance, Self-Confidence and Inner Strength

Phenomenal Energy Levels, Heightened Libido and the Feeling of Being Immortal

Protection - The security of being entirely shrouded from evil and enemies and the protection you will receive is surpassed by none

Attraction - The amazing power to draw in phenomenal Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity to yourself and your loved ones. Luck, Blessings and Protection will follow you for all eternity

All of the usual mortal elements such as tolerance to sunlight, eating and drinking regular foods, no aversion to holy water, blessed crucifixes etc., and still be visible in reflective surfaces and in photographs

Phenomenal Senses – you will be able to hear and smell with crystal clarity at such a heightened state that you will even able to smell fear, lust, and even the small subconscious olfactory scents associated with lying

Regeneration – As a Genuine Vampire-Lycan, you will have the ability to heal yourself at an extremely highly developed rate

Control Change in Self - With this ability, you will able to control and maintain from shifting during circumstances of strong emotions, anger, and fear, etc. until it is suitable for you to transform.

Psychic Shielding - this allows you to protect yourself from presence, psychic, and auric attacks

Commanding -this ability causes an animalistic fear and almost panic to rise up in your target, which makes them much more susceptible to your orders

Control Change of Others - with this ability you will have the power to help others control their inner beast. You can calm and prevent a change or even force an unwilling change on the victim should you so desire

Facial Manipulation – You will be able to physically transform your facial form to appear younger, older or even like a close friend or relative. The extent of your change is subtle and harmless, yet it is sufficient enough to be distinguishable as a different person, but not so much that the resemblance isn’t seen

Unparalleled Healing Abilities – Although this is a very rare and taxing ability to use, you will gain the capability to heal grievous injuries that nothing else could

Telepathic Communication and Calling – The Ability to communicate with any other Vampires or Lycanthropes in the entire world and also become aware of all other spirits, entities and magickal creatures. They will be drawn to you like moths around a flame and will instinctively know that they are secure in your presence and reveal themselves to you if you so wish. You will be able to call upon the Arcane Power of the Ancestral Werewolf and Vampire Spirits


 My question to YOU is...

 “How badly would YOU like to become a GENUINE VAMPIRE-LYCAN?”

 If this is what you truly desire, I would suggest that you get in quick!!!

 Buy it NOW!!!! 

Ring approx. size 6 3/4 and doesn't need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK


 “When asked by one of my Clients if I possessed such an item, I thought I would NEVER have anything like this in my collection!” – BaphometDawn

 “Once again, the vision and innovativeness of BaphometDawn’s clientele, never ceases to amaze me! Thank you ‘M’ for your ingenuity and ability to dream of such a magnificent piece of Vampire and Lycan Magick” - Viktor (High Priest of the Blood Moon XIII Coven)

 “This is Magick at its MOST Powerful. Without the foresight of one of BaphometDawn’s Clients, it would never have been created” - Dark Lord Obsidious (Grand High Emperor of the Gateway to Hell Fire Coven)

 “So obvious, so far out there, so amazing!” - Daniel (Alpha Lycan of the Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven)

 Up till today, this type of Power was simply a Myth!

 NO-ONE thought it could ever been done!

 Yet one simple question from one of my clients sent both the Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven and Blood Moon XIII Coven in to a Frenzy of Inventive, Inspired, Imaginative and Productive Brainstorming Sessions that lasted days on end!

 The Final Result was PHENOMENAL!

 The Final Result was thought to be IMPOSSIBLE!

 The Final Result is



 Let me enlighten you as to just exactly what this MAGNIFICENT amulet can do for YOU!

 Coupling the Omnipotent Powers of BOTH Vampyric and Lycanthrope Magicks, the Blood Moon XIII Coven and Validus Lupus Luna Septumdecim Coven have created Metaphysical History by SAFELY coalescing Vampyric and Werewolf Transformation Powers TOGETHER IN ONE specially commissioned ARTEFACT!!!!!!

 YES... this is absolutely TRUE!!!

 YES... it’s PURE GENIUS!!!


 Lycanthrope and Vampire combined together in ONE PHYLACTERY!

 YES... you heard me right!!!

 This Duo of Incomparable Godlike Covens have fashioned an EPIC Legacy for themselves. All with the intention in bestowing upon YOU something that YOU could only ever have dreamed of!

 For the First time in history, these two Legendary Covens have discovered the way to conjoin Vampire and Lycanthrope Transformation Powers, WITHOUT causing any harm to our mortal genetics!

 This has previously been an extremely dangerous practise to attempt as the transformation process for each one is entirely different and could literally rip our genetic coding apart as the physical changes took place. However, with literally hundreds of years of research between them, they have discovered the IMPOSSIBLE!


 So what does this entitle YOU to?

 YOU will NOW possess the ability to Completely Transform YOURSELF into a True VAMPIRE-LYCAN!!!!!


 Finely tuned psychic abilities - Your natural instincts and Intuition will rise like a phoenix from the flames as you feel the omnipotent power course through your veins. You will be in command of your own life and influence others around you to do exactly what you wish them to do

Increased Valour, Endurance, Self-Confidence and Inner Strength

Phenomenal Energy Levels, Heightened Libido and the Feeling of Being Immortal

Protection - The security of being entirely shrouded from evil and enemies and the protection you will receive is surpassed by none

Attraction - The amazing power to draw in phenomenal Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity to yourself and your loved ones. Luck, Blessings and Protection will follow you for all eternity

All of the usual mortal elements such as tolerance to sunlight, eating and drinking regular foods, no aversion to holy water, blessed crucifixes etc., and still be visible in reflective surfaces and in photographs

Phenomenal Senses – you will be able to hear and smell with crystal clarity at such a heightened state that you will even able to smell fear, lust, and even the small subconscious olfactory scents associated with lying

Regeneration – As a Genuine Vampire-Lycan, you will have the ability to heal yourself at an extremely highly developed rate

Control Change in Self - With this ability, you will able to control and maintain from shifting during circumstances of strong emotions, anger, and fear, etc. until it is suitable for you to transform.

Psychic Shielding - this allows you to protect yourself from presence, psychic, and auric attacks

Commanding -this ability causes an animalistic fear and almost panic to rise up in your target, which makes them much more susceptible to your orders

Control Change of Others - with this ability you will have the power to help others control their inner beast. You can calm and prevent a change or even force an unwilling change on the victim should you so desire

Facial Manipulation – You will be able to physically transform your facial form to appear younger, older or even like a close friend or relative. The extent of your change is subtle and harmless, yet it is sufficient enough to be distinguishable as a different person, but not so much that the resemblance isn’t seen

Unparalleled Healing Abilities – Although this is a very rare and taxing ability to use, you will gain the capability to heal grievous injuries that nothing else could

Telepathic Communication and Calling – The Ability to communicate with any other Vampires or Lycanthropes in the entire world and also become aware of all other spirits, entities and magickal creatures. They will be drawn to you like moths around a flame and will instinctively know that they are secure in your presence and reveal themselves to you if you so wish. You will be able to call upon the Arcane Power of the Ancestral Werewolf and Vampire Spirits


 My question to YOU is...

 “How badly would YOU like to become a GENUINE VAMPIRE-LYCAN?”

 If this is what you truly desire, I would suggest that you get in quick!!!

 Buy it NOW!!!! 

Ring approx. size 6 3/4 and doesn't need to be worn to gain its effects!

Shipped from the UK

WEREHORSE - Possess the Abilities, Power and Transform in to the EQUUSTHROPE
WEREHORSE - Possess the Abilities, Power and Transform in to the EQUUSTHROPE
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WERECERBERUS - Possess the Power and Transform in to the KERBEROTHROPE
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WERE-UNICORN - Possess the Power and Transform in to the MONOKEROSTHROPE
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WEREGRIFFIN - Possess the Power and Transform in to the GRYPHEMTHROPE