Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon - First Class MARID DJINN TRIBE!


What is the one word that will completely wipe out ANY wish or desire granted by your Djinni?

 This word is used by every one of us on a daily basis

 Imagine – you are probably using this word with your Djinn as we speak

 Are you having trouble communicating or accessing the phenomenal power of your Djinn?

 This genuine sacred artefact WILL give you the secret to successful Djinn communication and how to harvest the power of your Djinn for your own wishes and desires

 You will learn what the Taboo word amongst the Djinn Nation is – eradicating all possibilities of failure or disappointment

 As if this isn’t a fantastic enough reason to become the new keeper of this legendary artefact ask yourself this simple question:

 Do YOU dream of unlimited wealth, infinite happiness and eternal health for YOU and your loved ones?

 With today’s economic climate, this dream seems like an impossible nightmare.

 Imagine your life debt free, liberated from stress, totally and unashamedly PERFECT

 Current situations and events would be enough to stretch anybody’s imagination in to believing that this statement will ever happen to anyone apart from the few elite.

 YOU can easily achieve this

 YOUR dream is just moments from being REALITY

 The priceless relic you are now viewing is one of the most powerful and unprecedented covetable items of metaphysical jewellery ever seen in the public domain!

 This sacred artefact is an absolute essential for any serious metaphysical collector


 ‘The Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon’

 Willingly bound within this astonishing museum-quality ring are a King and Queen Sulaiman First Class Marid Djinn and their entire tribe of Djinn!!

 The absolute titanic power these majestic beings possess constitutes this as being probably one of THE most powerful items I have had the pleasure to offer YOU


 What makes these two Sovereign Djinn more extraordinary than any other Djinn?

 The lineage of both of these Royal Djinn has been traced back to creation. The ancestors of this sovereign couple have interbred between different phylums of All-Powerful Djinn, leaving this Majestic couple with the powers and traits of 54 different types of beings! The Great-Grandfather of the King Djinn bred with a mortal female, making this King more solid in his manifestation to YOU. 

 PLUS… these are also Sulaiman First Class Djinn originating from THE Sulaiman Al Mamlakah Phylum meaning they served King Solomon himself 

 The Djinn within this magnificent vestige have been willingly bound by the Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria, over the past 72 months.

 In total there are over 11,000 Djinn bound to this specially commissioned ring.  Each one is a believer, which denotes that they are practising Muslims and worship Allah. They are ‘Grey’ in the essence that they will use their powers with the intent to help, but without the permission and/or understanding of the receiver; this also incorporates them being White Light Entities, where their magick is performed with the intent to help and with the permission and understanding of the receiver. These unique Imperial Djinn are by far the most All-Powerful Djinn I have ever encountered and originating from the actual Sulaiman Al Mamlakah Phylum, these earthshaking Djinn have worked alongside the Great King Solomon himself.

 YOUR life WILL change FOREVER 

 Just some of the powers and desires granted by these AMAZING Djinn are:

 Infinite and Substantial Wealth

 Untold Riches and Fortune

 Limitless Love and Passion

 Time and Astral Travel to Other Worlds and Eras

 Phenomenal Communication with Otherworldly Entities

 Miraculous Healing Abilities

 Serenity and Harmony Forever in YOUR life

 Ultimate Protection from Negative Energies and Entities

 Exclusive Knowledge and Wisdom of all forms of Magick

 Unlimited Wishes for All Eternity

 And above all.....

 A multitude of Loyal and Trustworthy Friends who will accompany YOU for the rest of YOUR life.

  These All-Powerful Djinn will only serve YOU, their true Master.

 The will work unconditionally and incessantly to ensure ALL or YOUR Dreams and Desire physically manifest.

 At night, you can place this virtuoso of Djinn Regalia under your pillow for YOUR Djinn to visit you in your dreams and protect you in your sleep.

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  Also, you will receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


  Before his passing, Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria received a message from his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah, that this Ring has already been allocated a new Master – YOU

 Meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, this superb ring has been specially commissioned solely for these Magnificent Djinn

 Are YOU the one who is destined for greatness?

 This is not by chance you have been drawn here today – YOU have been summoned by his Royal Highness Tariqaat Lal Shah.

 Do YOU want your dreams and daydreams to turn to reality?

  As the new Master of The Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon, the power will start from the very moment you have added this item to cart. Once the parcel arrives you will feel its magnificence before you even open the box. The very first time you hold this Ring in your hand, YOU will physically feel the power pulsating and vibrating in your grasp. The energy will flow through your veins and YOU KNOW – YOU are the Master of Greatness. Upon wearing this AMAZING Ring, you will feel an incredible warm sensation rise up over you head and down through your body, filling YOU with the omnipotent power of the Djinn.

 YOU can live your Dreams NOW


 Are You Willing to let This One Pass You By?

Shipped from the UK

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What is the one word that will completely wipe out ANY wish or desire granted by your Djinni?

 This word is used by every one of us on a daily basis

 Imagine – you are probably using this word with your Djinn as we speak

 Are you having trouble communicating or accessing the phenomenal power of your Djinn?

 This genuine sacred artefact WILL give you the secret to successful Djinn communication and how to harvest the power of your Djinn for your own wishes and desires

 You will learn what the Taboo word amongst the Djinn Nation is – eradicating all possibilities of failure or disappointment

 As if this isn’t a fantastic enough reason to become the new keeper of this legendary artefact ask yourself this simple question:

 Do YOU dream of unlimited wealth, infinite happiness and eternal health for YOU and your loved ones?

 With today’s economic climate, this dream seems like an impossible nightmare.

 Imagine your life debt free, liberated from stress, totally and unashamedly PERFECT

 Current situations and events would be enough to stretch anybody’s imagination in to believing that this statement will ever happen to anyone apart from the few elite.

 YOU can easily achieve this

 YOUR dream is just moments from being REALITY

 The priceless relic you are now viewing is one of the most powerful and unprecedented covetable items of metaphysical jewellery ever seen in the public domain!

 This sacred artefact is an absolute essential for any serious metaphysical collector


 ‘The Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon’

 Willingly bound within this astonishing museum-quality ring are a King and Queen Sulaiman First Class Marid Djinn and their entire tribe of Djinn!!

 The absolute titanic power these majestic beings possess constitutes this as being probably one of THE most powerful items I have had the pleasure to offer YOU


 What makes these two Sovereign Djinn more extraordinary than any other Djinn?

 The lineage of both of these Royal Djinn has been traced back to creation. The ancestors of this sovereign couple have interbred between different phylums of All-Powerful Djinn, leaving this Majestic couple with the powers and traits of 54 different types of beings! The Great-Grandfather of the King Djinn bred with a mortal female, making this King more solid in his manifestation to YOU. 

 PLUS… these are also Sulaiman First Class Djinn originating from THE Sulaiman Al Mamlakah Phylum meaning they served King Solomon himself 

 The Djinn within this magnificent vestige have been willingly bound by the Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria, over the past 72 months.

 In total there are over 11,000 Djinn bound to this specially commissioned ring.  Each one is a believer, which denotes that they are practising Muslims and worship Allah. They are ‘Grey’ in the essence that they will use their powers with the intent to help, but without the permission and/or understanding of the receiver; this also incorporates them being White Light Entities, where their magick is performed with the intent to help and with the permission and understanding of the receiver. These unique Imperial Djinn are by far the most All-Powerful Djinn I have ever encountered and originating from the actual Sulaiman Al Mamlakah Phylum, these earthshaking Djinn have worked alongside the Great King Solomon himself.

 YOUR life WILL change FOREVER 

 Just some of the powers and desires granted by these AMAZING Djinn are:

 Infinite and Substantial Wealth

 Untold Riches and Fortune

 Limitless Love and Passion

 Time and Astral Travel to Other Worlds and Eras

 Phenomenal Communication with Otherworldly Entities

 Miraculous Healing Abilities

 Serenity and Harmony Forever in YOUR life

 Ultimate Protection from Negative Energies and Entities

 Exclusive Knowledge and Wisdom of all forms of Magick

 Unlimited Wishes for All Eternity

 And above all.....

 A multitude of Loyal and Trustworthy Friends who will accompany YOU for the rest of YOUR life.

  These All-Powerful Djinn will only serve YOU, their true Master.

 The will work unconditionally and incessantly to ensure ALL or YOUR Dreams and Desire physically manifest.

 At night, you can place this virtuoso of Djinn Regalia under your pillow for YOUR Djinn to visit you in your dreams and protect you in your sleep.

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  Also, you will receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


  Before his passing, Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria received a message from his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah, that this Ring has already been allocated a new Master – YOU

 Meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, this superb ring has been specially commissioned solely for these Magnificent Djinn

 Are YOU the one who is destined for greatness?

 This is not by chance you have been drawn here today – YOU have been summoned by his Royal Highness Tariqaat Lal Shah.

 Do YOU want your dreams and daydreams to turn to reality?

  As the new Master of The Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon, the power will start from the very moment you have added this item to cart. Once the parcel arrives you will feel its magnificence before you even open the box. The very first time you hold this Ring in your hand, YOU will physically feel the power pulsating and vibrating in your grasp. The energy will flow through your veins and YOU KNOW – YOU are the Master of Greatness. Upon wearing this AMAZING Ring, you will feel an incredible warm sensation rise up over you head and down through your body, filling YOU with the omnipotent power of the Djinn.

 YOU can live your Dreams NOW


 Are You Willing to let This One Pass You By?

Shipped from the UK

What is the one word that will completely wipe out ANY wish or desire granted by your Djinni?

 This word is used by every one of us on a daily basis

 Imagine – you are probably using this word with your Djinn as we speak

 Are you having trouble communicating or accessing the phenomenal power of your Djinn?

 This genuine sacred artefact WILL give you the secret to successful Djinn communication and how to harvest the power of your Djinn for your own wishes and desires

 You will learn what the Taboo word amongst the Djinn Nation is – eradicating all possibilities of failure or disappointment

 As if this isn’t a fantastic enough reason to become the new keeper of this legendary artefact ask yourself this simple question:

 Do YOU dream of unlimited wealth, infinite happiness and eternal health for YOU and your loved ones?

 With today’s economic climate, this dream seems like an impossible nightmare.

 Imagine your life debt free, liberated from stress, totally and unashamedly PERFECT

 Current situations and events would be enough to stretch anybody’s imagination in to believing that this statement will ever happen to anyone apart from the few elite.

 YOU can easily achieve this

 YOUR dream is just moments from being REALITY

 The priceless relic you are now viewing is one of the most powerful and unprecedented covetable items of metaphysical jewellery ever seen in the public domain!

 This sacred artefact is an absolute essential for any serious metaphysical collector


 ‘The Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon’

 Willingly bound within this astonishing museum-quality ring are a King and Queen Sulaiman First Class Marid Djinn and their entire tribe of Djinn!!

 The absolute titanic power these majestic beings possess constitutes this as being probably one of THE most powerful items I have had the pleasure to offer YOU


 What makes these two Sovereign Djinn more extraordinary than any other Djinn?

 The lineage of both of these Royal Djinn has been traced back to creation. The ancestors of this sovereign couple have interbred between different phylums of All-Powerful Djinn, leaving this Majestic couple with the powers and traits of 54 different types of beings! The Great-Grandfather of the King Djinn bred with a mortal female, making this King more solid in his manifestation to YOU. 

 PLUS… these are also Sulaiman First Class Djinn originating from THE Sulaiman Al Mamlakah Phylum meaning they served King Solomon himself 

 The Djinn within this magnificent vestige have been willingly bound by the Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria, over the past 72 months.

 In total there are over 11,000 Djinn bound to this specially commissioned ring.  Each one is a believer, which denotes that they are practising Muslims and worship Allah. They are ‘Grey’ in the essence that they will use their powers with the intent to help, but without the permission and/or understanding of the receiver; this also incorporates them being White Light Entities, where their magick is performed with the intent to help and with the permission and understanding of the receiver. These unique Imperial Djinn are by far the most All-Powerful Djinn I have ever encountered and originating from the actual Sulaiman Al Mamlakah Phylum, these earthshaking Djinn have worked alongside the Great King Solomon himself.

 YOUR life WILL change FOREVER 

 Just some of the powers and desires granted by these AMAZING Djinn are:

 Infinite and Substantial Wealth

 Untold Riches and Fortune

 Limitless Love and Passion

 Time and Astral Travel to Other Worlds and Eras

 Phenomenal Communication with Otherworldly Entities

 Miraculous Healing Abilities

 Serenity and Harmony Forever in YOUR life

 Ultimate Protection from Negative Energies and Entities

 Exclusive Knowledge and Wisdom of all forms of Magick

 Unlimited Wishes for All Eternity

 And above all.....

 A multitude of Loyal and Trustworthy Friends who will accompany YOU for the rest of YOUR life.

  These All-Powerful Djinn will only serve YOU, their true Master.

 The will work unconditionally and incessantly to ensure ALL or YOUR Dreams and Desire physically manifest.

 At night, you can place this virtuoso of Djinn Regalia under your pillow for YOUR Djinn to visit you in your dreams and protect you in your sleep.

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  Also, you will receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


  Before his passing, Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria received a message from his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah, that this Ring has already been allocated a new Master – YOU

 Meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, this superb ring has been specially commissioned solely for these Magnificent Djinn

 Are YOU the one who is destined for greatness?

 This is not by chance you have been drawn here today – YOU have been summoned by his Royal Highness Tariqaat Lal Shah.

 Do YOU want your dreams and daydreams to turn to reality?

  As the new Master of The Temple Ring of the Sovereign Slaves of Solomon, the power will start from the very moment you have added this item to cart. Once the parcel arrives you will feel its magnificence before you even open the box. The very first time you hold this Ring in your hand, YOU will physically feel the power pulsating and vibrating in your grasp. The energy will flow through your veins and YOU KNOW – YOU are the Master of Greatness. Upon wearing this AMAZING Ring, you will feel an incredible warm sensation rise up over you head and down through your body, filling YOU with the omnipotent power of the Djinn.

 YOU can live your Dreams NOW


 Are You Willing to let This One Pass You By?

Shipped from the UK

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