Rare Portal Ring Norse Viking Shamanic Sorcery - Magick


Willingly conjured by The High Priest, Corneslius Ailbe Muireadhach, Master Djinn Conjurer, with the assistance of The High Priestess Fiona, and bound to this ring Olde World Norse Nature Spirits.

The elegant US size 6 reliquary attuned to the Nordic Wights Vættir were summoned by a Viking Shaman performing Ancient Nordic Incantations utilizing the power of Seidhr Magick.

These powers are exceptionally RARE!

The Olde World Norse Nature Spirits, also known as Vættir or Wights have emerged at this great time of change to add immense value and transform YOUR life.

Three different Vættir will be linked to you via the three different gems on this vessel which acts as portals to the individual Shamanic Wights.

There is no specific individual spirit for you to communicate or connect with, the Norse Nature Spirits will endure through the Portal instinctively to bring you their guidance and wisdom. They are not limited to their own detailed area of expertise and will assist you in countless endeavours while bestowing on you their blessings and teachings.

Although they work continuously and effortlessly for you, they are wish-granting experts and will ask the Norse Gods for benefits to make your wildest dreams and inmost desires come alive!

The three aspects that this Portal bring forth, will bless your life in every way, they each have their speciality but will aid you however possible.

Frost Jötnar -

The first of our Nordic Spirits are the Frost Jötnar, Frost Giants. Not all Giants have Magickal Powers, however these Frost Giants are some of the most powerful! You will find them in the white gem portal bound to this ring.

They endorse you with;

> Protection against demons and all negative entities
> Demolishing obstacles preventing you in succeeding
> Reverse any hexes placed upon you
> Maginify any weather Magick you perform
> Multiply the power within any spells you perform
> Increase your physical energy
> Increase your strength
> Increase your endurance and stamina

You will be aware of the spirits of the frost Jötnar when you feel the cold chill in the air or experience unexplainable cold. When this happens, you know they are with you!


Secondary but no less powerful than the Giants are The Dwarves. This Ancient race would dwell underground alongside grottoes with invaluable gems, gold, and diamonds. Dwarves obtain rich knowledge and uphold high experience in creating permanently enchanted relics, including Thor’s Hammer, Odin’s Spear, Goddess Freya’s Necklace in addition to numerous outstanding, exceptional artifacts.

These physically powerful, fierce warriors will bless you with;

> Upmost Wealth and Prosperity
> Good Fortune
> Highest Personal Success
> Increased Career Success
> Assistance with enchanting objects
> Aid you in finding hidden treasure
> Support you in remaining grounded

How will you know they are with you? When you feel immense urges to instigate actions or feel doubt, they are projecting to you these feelings to guide you.

High Álfar –

The last of the three Nordic Powers I wish to introduce you to, are The High Elves. Otherworldly exquisitely Powerful beings such as the The High Elves, are beings of light and purity, radiating beauty and youthfulness. They hold the expertise of eternal youth and are experienced in peace and elegance. Elven Magick exceeds any imagination of the Mortal mind and can defy the laws in which Mortals believe possible, such as teleporting and shapeshifting. Their bodies regenerate precipitously, and they can read and control the minds of others.

They will give unto you;

> Unparalleled Beauty and Physical Enrichments
> Alluring Attraction
> Increased Eroticism and Performance
> Increased Psychic Ability
> Open Your Third Eye
> Physical, Mental and Energetic Healing
> The Power to take away others Pain
> Boosted Positive Energy

You will notice the presence of The High Elves when everything around you appear clearer and makes more clarity for you. Whether in the physical sense or clarity within your mind. Your Psych will be more at one with the universe when they are with you.

Once YOU become the newfound Master of this incredible relic and the much-coveted Power it holds within, YOU will receive Blessings, Knowledge and Protection for all eternity,


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Willingly conjured by The High Priest, Corneslius Ailbe Muireadhach, Master Djinn Conjurer, with the assistance of The High Priestess Fiona, and bound to this ring Olde World Norse Nature Spirits.

The elegant US size 6 reliquary attuned to the Nordic Wights Vættir were summoned by a Viking Shaman performing Ancient Nordic Incantations utilizing the power of Seidhr Magick.

These powers are exceptionally RARE!

The Olde World Norse Nature Spirits, also known as Vættir or Wights have emerged at this great time of change to add immense value and transform YOUR life.

Three different Vættir will be linked to you via the three different gems on this vessel which acts as portals to the individual Shamanic Wights.

There is no specific individual spirit for you to communicate or connect with, the Norse Nature Spirits will endure through the Portal instinctively to bring you their guidance and wisdom. They are not limited to their own detailed area of expertise and will assist you in countless endeavours while bestowing on you their blessings and teachings.

Although they work continuously and effortlessly for you, they are wish-granting experts and will ask the Norse Gods for benefits to make your wildest dreams and inmost desires come alive!

The three aspects that this Portal bring forth, will bless your life in every way, they each have their speciality but will aid you however possible.

Frost Jötnar -

The first of our Nordic Spirits are the Frost Jötnar, Frost Giants. Not all Giants have Magickal Powers, however these Frost Giants are some of the most powerful! You will find them in the white gem portal bound to this ring.

They endorse you with;

> Protection against demons and all negative entities
> Demolishing obstacles preventing you in succeeding
> Reverse any hexes placed upon you
> Maginify any weather Magick you perform
> Multiply the power within any spells you perform
> Increase your physical energy
> Increase your strength
> Increase your endurance and stamina

You will be aware of the spirits of the frost Jötnar when you feel the cold chill in the air or experience unexplainable cold. When this happens, you know they are with you!


Secondary but no less powerful than the Giants are The Dwarves. This Ancient race would dwell underground alongside grottoes with invaluable gems, gold, and diamonds. Dwarves obtain rich knowledge and uphold high experience in creating permanently enchanted relics, including Thor’s Hammer, Odin’s Spear, Goddess Freya’s Necklace in addition to numerous outstanding, exceptional artifacts.

These physically powerful, fierce warriors will bless you with;

> Upmost Wealth and Prosperity
> Good Fortune
> Highest Personal Success
> Increased Career Success
> Assistance with enchanting objects
> Aid you in finding hidden treasure
> Support you in remaining grounded

How will you know they are with you? When you feel immense urges to instigate actions or feel doubt, they are projecting to you these feelings to guide you.

High Álfar –

The last of the three Nordic Powers I wish to introduce you to, are The High Elves. Otherworldly exquisitely Powerful beings such as the The High Elves, are beings of light and purity, radiating beauty and youthfulness. They hold the expertise of eternal youth and are experienced in peace and elegance. Elven Magick exceeds any imagination of the Mortal mind and can defy the laws in which Mortals believe possible, such as teleporting and shapeshifting. Their bodies regenerate precipitously, and they can read and control the minds of others.

They will give unto you;

> Unparalleled Beauty and Physical Enrichments
> Alluring Attraction
> Increased Eroticism and Performance
> Increased Psychic Ability
> Open Your Third Eye
> Physical, Mental and Energetic Healing
> The Power to take away others Pain
> Boosted Positive Energy

You will notice the presence of The High Elves when everything around you appear clearer and makes more clarity for you. Whether in the physical sense or clarity within your mind. Your Psych will be more at one with the universe when they are with you.

Once YOU become the newfound Master of this incredible relic and the much-coveted Power it holds within, YOU will receive Blessings, Knowledge and Protection for all eternity,


Willingly conjured by The High Priest, Corneslius Ailbe Muireadhach, Master Djinn Conjurer, with the assistance of The High Priestess Fiona, and bound to this ring Olde World Norse Nature Spirits.

The elegant US size 6 reliquary attuned to the Nordic Wights Vættir were summoned by a Viking Shaman performing Ancient Nordic Incantations utilizing the power of Seidhr Magick.

These powers are exceptionally RARE!

The Olde World Norse Nature Spirits, also known as Vættir or Wights have emerged at this great time of change to add immense value and transform YOUR life.

Three different Vættir will be linked to you via the three different gems on this vessel which acts as portals to the individual Shamanic Wights.

There is no specific individual spirit for you to communicate or connect with, the Norse Nature Spirits will endure through the Portal instinctively to bring you their guidance and wisdom. They are not limited to their own detailed area of expertise and will assist you in countless endeavours while bestowing on you their blessings and teachings.

Although they work continuously and effortlessly for you, they are wish-granting experts and will ask the Norse Gods for benefits to make your wildest dreams and inmost desires come alive!

The three aspects that this Portal bring forth, will bless your life in every way, they each have their speciality but will aid you however possible.

Frost Jötnar -

The first of our Nordic Spirits are the Frost Jötnar, Frost Giants. Not all Giants have Magickal Powers, however these Frost Giants are some of the most powerful! You will find them in the white gem portal bound to this ring.

They endorse you with;

> Protection against demons and all negative entities
> Demolishing obstacles preventing you in succeeding
> Reverse any hexes placed upon you
> Maginify any weather Magick you perform
> Multiply the power within any spells you perform
> Increase your physical energy
> Increase your strength
> Increase your endurance and stamina

You will be aware of the spirits of the frost Jötnar when you feel the cold chill in the air or experience unexplainable cold. When this happens, you know they are with you!


Secondary but no less powerful than the Giants are The Dwarves. This Ancient race would dwell underground alongside grottoes with invaluable gems, gold, and diamonds. Dwarves obtain rich knowledge and uphold high experience in creating permanently enchanted relics, including Thor’s Hammer, Odin’s Spear, Goddess Freya’s Necklace in addition to numerous outstanding, exceptional artifacts.

These physically powerful, fierce warriors will bless you with;

> Upmost Wealth and Prosperity
> Good Fortune
> Highest Personal Success
> Increased Career Success
> Assistance with enchanting objects
> Aid you in finding hidden treasure
> Support you in remaining grounded

How will you know they are with you? When you feel immense urges to instigate actions or feel doubt, they are projecting to you these feelings to guide you.

High Álfar –

The last of the three Nordic Powers I wish to introduce you to, are The High Elves. Otherworldly exquisitely Powerful beings such as the The High Elves, are beings of light and purity, radiating beauty and youthfulness. They hold the expertise of eternal youth and are experienced in peace and elegance. Elven Magick exceeds any imagination of the Mortal mind and can defy the laws in which Mortals believe possible, such as teleporting and shapeshifting. Their bodies regenerate precipitously, and they can read and control the minds of others.

They will give unto you;

> Unparalleled Beauty and Physical Enrichments
> Alluring Attraction
> Increased Eroticism and Performance
> Increased Psychic Ability
> Open Your Third Eye
> Physical, Mental and Energetic Healing
> The Power to take away others Pain
> Boosted Positive Energy

You will notice the presence of The High Elves when everything around you appear clearer and makes more clarity for you. Whether in the physical sense or clarity within your mind. Your Psych will be more at one with the universe when they are with you.

Once YOU become the newfound Master of this incredible relic and the much-coveted Power it holds within, YOU will receive Blessings, Knowledge and Protection for all eternity,


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