Omnipotent & Revolutionary Vril-Ya force of ‘The Power of Supreme Intelligence’
Some time ago, I traveled to Italy in pursuit of further artefacts and powers from the supreme race of the Vril-Ya. The journey was nothing short of extraordinary, and the treasures I returned with continue to exceed all expectations. I am certain they will do the same for you!
Previous artefacts I have been privileged to offer you from the Vril-Ya nation, have been saturated with the power of the Black Sun, the Vril force from their current utopian subterranean dwelling place
However, this force is something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...
This force is from their time on the surface of our Earth...
This Force was handed down to them from ancient Masters of Atlantis...
This is the omnipotent force of ‘The Power of Supreme Intelligence’
It was this power that made the Vril-Ya such a Wealthy, Powerful and Knowledgeable race
It is this Force where a single man, who could possess and know how to direct it, can revolutionize and change the face of the world
This is the force that a notorious world leader and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed this leader. It is also a closely guarded secret of the Illuminati, New Order of the Knights Templar and The Daughters of Tsion
This Force is now in your hands!
The purpose of life is development and to use the physical plane to its fullest, you must use physical things. Therefore, you have a right to access everything you want or need to develop. In order to do this you have access to an abundance of wealth. It is your God given right to experience everything you want to experience.
You have the right to have unrestricted use of anything in the physical universe, everything exists for you.
Everything is available and you can choose which of those things may be necessary for your utmost mental, physical and spiritual growth.
Being poor, lacking or having just enough goes against all the principles for manifestation on the physical plane. Nature itself is designed for the advancement of life, and you are here for the same reason.
It is inherent within us to desire more, this was described by the ancient Greeks as Entheos – the God within, translated today as enthusiasm. Your desire for more is the God within you, pushing you to be a creator on his behalf. You are here to develop, experience all that you want, and inside you is the answer you are looking for.
It is perfectly fine to desire more money, without this inbuilt desire we would all be living in caves. If you ignore this desire, you are neglecting your duty as a human being for the advancement of life.
The Power of Supreme Intelligence is omnipresent and is here for you to achieve all that you want. Now you can to link directly with this power and in just a few short days your life will begin to change exactly the way you want.
Captivating this power is not difficult, no special powers are required, you do not need to be psychic, anyone can access it and anyone can get results. You don’t have to make it work, you just allow it.
This power is what lies between you and your objective.
This power gives you everything you want and more...
What are you still waiting for?
Some time ago, I traveled to Italy in pursuit of further artefacts and powers from the supreme race of the Vril-Ya. The journey was nothing short of extraordinary, and the treasures I returned with continue to exceed all expectations. I am certain they will do the same for you!
Previous artefacts I have been privileged to offer you from the Vril-Ya nation, have been saturated with the power of the Black Sun, the Vril force from their current utopian subterranean dwelling place
However, this force is something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...
This force is from their time on the surface of our Earth...
This Force was handed down to them from ancient Masters of Atlantis...
This is the omnipotent force of ‘The Power of Supreme Intelligence’
It was this power that made the Vril-Ya such a Wealthy, Powerful and Knowledgeable race
It is this Force where a single man, who could possess and know how to direct it, can revolutionize and change the face of the world
This is the force that a notorious world leader and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed this leader. It is also a closely guarded secret of the Illuminati, New Order of the Knights Templar and The Daughters of Tsion
This Force is now in your hands!
The purpose of life is development and to use the physical plane to its fullest, you must use physical things. Therefore, you have a right to access everything you want or need to develop. In order to do this you have access to an abundance of wealth. It is your God given right to experience everything you want to experience.
You have the right to have unrestricted use of anything in the physical universe, everything exists for you.
Everything is available and you can choose which of those things may be necessary for your utmost mental, physical and spiritual growth.
Being poor, lacking or having just enough goes against all the principles for manifestation on the physical plane. Nature itself is designed for the advancement of life, and you are here for the same reason.
It is inherent within us to desire more, this was described by the ancient Greeks as Entheos – the God within, translated today as enthusiasm. Your desire for more is the God within you, pushing you to be a creator on his behalf. You are here to develop, experience all that you want, and inside you is the answer you are looking for.
It is perfectly fine to desire more money, without this inbuilt desire we would all be living in caves. If you ignore this desire, you are neglecting your duty as a human being for the advancement of life.
The Power of Supreme Intelligence is omnipresent and is here for you to achieve all that you want. Now you can to link directly with this power and in just a few short days your life will begin to change exactly the way you want.
Captivating this power is not difficult, no special powers are required, you do not need to be psychic, anyone can access it and anyone can get results. You don’t have to make it work, you just allow it.
This power is what lies between you and your objective.
This power gives you everything you want and more...
What are you still waiting for?
Some time ago, I traveled to Italy in pursuit of further artefacts and powers from the supreme race of the Vril-Ya. The journey was nothing short of extraordinary, and the treasures I returned with continue to exceed all expectations. I am certain they will do the same for you!
Previous artefacts I have been privileged to offer you from the Vril-Ya nation, have been saturated with the power of the Black Sun, the Vril force from their current utopian subterranean dwelling place
However, this force is something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...
This force is from their time on the surface of our Earth...
This Force was handed down to them from ancient Masters of Atlantis...
This is the omnipotent force of ‘The Power of Supreme Intelligence’
It was this power that made the Vril-Ya such a Wealthy, Powerful and Knowledgeable race
It is this Force where a single man, who could possess and know how to direct it, can revolutionize and change the face of the world
This is the force that a notorious world leader and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed this leader. It is also a closely guarded secret of the Illuminati, New Order of the Knights Templar and The Daughters of Tsion
This Force is now in your hands!
The purpose of life is development and to use the physical plane to its fullest, you must use physical things. Therefore, you have a right to access everything you want or need to develop. In order to do this you have access to an abundance of wealth. It is your God given right to experience everything you want to experience.
You have the right to have unrestricted use of anything in the physical universe, everything exists for you.
Everything is available and you can choose which of those things may be necessary for your utmost mental, physical and spiritual growth.
Being poor, lacking or having just enough goes against all the principles for manifestation on the physical plane. Nature itself is designed for the advancement of life, and you are here for the same reason.
It is inherent within us to desire more, this was described by the ancient Greeks as Entheos – the God within, translated today as enthusiasm. Your desire for more is the God within you, pushing you to be a creator on his behalf. You are here to develop, experience all that you want, and inside you is the answer you are looking for.
It is perfectly fine to desire more money, without this inbuilt desire we would all be living in caves. If you ignore this desire, you are neglecting your duty as a human being for the advancement of life.
The Power of Supreme Intelligence is omnipresent and is here for you to achieve all that you want. Now you can to link directly with this power and in just a few short days your life will begin to change exactly the way you want.
Captivating this power is not difficult, no special powers are required, you do not need to be psychic, anyone can access it and anyone can get results. You don’t have to make it work, you just allow it.
This power is what lies between you and your objective.
This power gives you everything you want and more...
What are you still waiting for?