MIRACULOUS Sibylline bracelet of the Majestic Nasnas Djinn This Is EXTREMELY SCARCE


Do YOU dream of unlimited wealth, infinite happiness and eternal health for YOU and your loved ones?

 Can YOU imagine YOUR life debt free, liberated from stress, totally and unashamedly PERFECT?

 Do YOU seek FAME and FORTUNE? 

 YOU can easily achieve this

 YOUR dream is just moments from being REALITY  

  This Genuine Multipotent incomparable bracelet willingly bound with married Royal All-Powerful Djinn and their entire Tribe of Djinn is NOW exclusively available for YOU

 Prepare yourself for the

 “Sibylline Bracelet of the Majestic Nasnas”

  The absolute supreme power these beings possess constitutes this as being presumably one of THE most powerful items YOU will ever have the privilege to be blessed with


  What makes these Djinn more extraordinary than any other Djinn?

 These are Nasnas Djinn. Their extreme raw and untapped power has only been witnessed by a select few. The location of their purlieu is only know by a handful of mortals - Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria and his descendants are some of them

  The pedigree of both the King and Queen Nasnas Djinn has been traced back to creation. The ancestors of this regal pair have interbred between different phylums of Djinn and Humans, leaving this Majestic couple with the powers and traits of many different types of beings, plus the rare ability to make them more physical in materialiing to YOU

 The Djinn within this superbly exquisite Bracelet were willingly bound by the Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria, over 120 months

  In total there are over 17,500 Djinn bound to this meticulously hand-crafted bracelet.  Each one is a believer, which denotes that they are practising Muslims and worship Allah. They are ‘Grey’ in the essence that they will use their powers with the intent to help, but without the permission and/or understanding of the receiver; this also incorporates them being White Light Entities, where their magick is performed with the intent to help and with the permission and understanding of the receiver. These unique Imperial Djinn are by far the most All-Powerful Djinn YOU will ever encounter

  YOUR life WILL change FOREVER

  Just some of the powers and desires granted by these AMAZING Nasnas Djinn are:

 Unparalleled Prophetic Visions and Oracular Revelations

 Jet-propelled Time and Astral Travel to Other Worlds and Eras

 Spectacular Communication with Otherworldly Entities

 Miraculous Healing Abilities for YOURSELF and others

 Unrefined Serenity and Harmony Forever in YOUR life

 Staggering Protection from Negative Energies and Entities

 Exclusive Knowledge and Wisdom of all forms of Magick

 Unlimited Wishes for All Eternity

 And above all.....

 A multitude of Loyal and Trustworthy Friends who will accompany YOU for the rest of YOUR life 

  These All-Powerful Nasnas Djinn will only serve YOU, their true Master.

 The will work unconditionally and incessantly to ensure ALL or YOUR Dreams and Desire physically manifest 

 At night, you can place this museum quality bracelet under your pillow for these unprecedented Nasnas Djinn to visit you in your dreams and protect you in your sleep.

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ to be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  You will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the original ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

 I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 Do YOU deserve to join the small handful of people who have already profited from the use of this phenomenal Nasnasian Power?

 YOU can live your Dreams NOW

 This museum quality Nasnas vessel is an exquisite Artifact that is a masterpiece of Middle-Eastern handcrafted beauty. This luxurious bracelet does not need to be worn for the full power of the Nasnas Djinn to materialize. You can wear in on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket.  Izz al-Din Zakaria and his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn, have cast many spells over 120 months and many of these will ensure your bracelet will not be affected in any way if it is broken

 Without a shadow of a doubt, this Nasnasian Artifact is the epitome of Djinn Multipotent Power. A rare beauty of metaphysical Vestige that will be the pride of your collection

 "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."


Shipped from the US

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Do YOU dream of unlimited wealth, infinite happiness and eternal health for YOU and your loved ones?

 Can YOU imagine YOUR life debt free, liberated from stress, totally and unashamedly PERFECT?

 Do YOU seek FAME and FORTUNE? 

 YOU can easily achieve this

 YOUR dream is just moments from being REALITY  

  This Genuine Multipotent incomparable bracelet willingly bound with married Royal All-Powerful Djinn and their entire Tribe of Djinn is NOW exclusively available for YOU

 Prepare yourself for the

 “Sibylline Bracelet of the Majestic Nasnas”

  The absolute supreme power these beings possess constitutes this as being presumably one of THE most powerful items YOU will ever have the privilege to be blessed with


  What makes these Djinn more extraordinary than any other Djinn?

 These are Nasnas Djinn. Their extreme raw and untapped power has only been witnessed by a select few. The location of their purlieu is only know by a handful of mortals - Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria and his descendants are some of them

  The pedigree of both the King and Queen Nasnas Djinn has been traced back to creation. The ancestors of this regal pair have interbred between different phylums of Djinn and Humans, leaving this Majestic couple with the powers and traits of many different types of beings, plus the rare ability to make them more physical in materialiing to YOU

 The Djinn within this superbly exquisite Bracelet were willingly bound by the Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria, over 120 months

  In total there are over 17,500 Djinn bound to this meticulously hand-crafted bracelet.  Each one is a believer, which denotes that they are practising Muslims and worship Allah. They are ‘Grey’ in the essence that they will use their powers with the intent to help, but without the permission and/or understanding of the receiver; this also incorporates them being White Light Entities, where their magick is performed with the intent to help and with the permission and understanding of the receiver. These unique Imperial Djinn are by far the most All-Powerful Djinn YOU will ever encounter

  YOUR life WILL change FOREVER

  Just some of the powers and desires granted by these AMAZING Nasnas Djinn are:

 Unparalleled Prophetic Visions and Oracular Revelations

 Jet-propelled Time and Astral Travel to Other Worlds and Eras

 Spectacular Communication with Otherworldly Entities

 Miraculous Healing Abilities for YOURSELF and others

 Unrefined Serenity and Harmony Forever in YOUR life

 Staggering Protection from Negative Energies and Entities

 Exclusive Knowledge and Wisdom of all forms of Magick

 Unlimited Wishes for All Eternity

 And above all.....

 A multitude of Loyal and Trustworthy Friends who will accompany YOU for the rest of YOUR life 

  These All-Powerful Nasnas Djinn will only serve YOU, their true Master.

 The will work unconditionally and incessantly to ensure ALL or YOUR Dreams and Desire physically manifest 

 At night, you can place this museum quality bracelet under your pillow for these unprecedented Nasnas Djinn to visit you in your dreams and protect you in your sleep.

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ to be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  You will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the original ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

 I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 Do YOU deserve to join the small handful of people who have already profited from the use of this phenomenal Nasnasian Power?

 YOU can live your Dreams NOW

 This museum quality Nasnas vessel is an exquisite Artifact that is a masterpiece of Middle-Eastern handcrafted beauty. This luxurious bracelet does not need to be worn for the full power of the Nasnas Djinn to materialize. You can wear in on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket.  Izz al-Din Zakaria and his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn, have cast many spells over 120 months and many of these will ensure your bracelet will not be affected in any way if it is broken

 Without a shadow of a doubt, this Nasnasian Artifact is the epitome of Djinn Multipotent Power. A rare beauty of metaphysical Vestige that will be the pride of your collection

 "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."


Shipped from the US

Do YOU dream of unlimited wealth, infinite happiness and eternal health for YOU and your loved ones?

 Can YOU imagine YOUR life debt free, liberated from stress, totally and unashamedly PERFECT?

 Do YOU seek FAME and FORTUNE? 

 YOU can easily achieve this

 YOUR dream is just moments from being REALITY  

  This Genuine Multipotent incomparable bracelet willingly bound with married Royal All-Powerful Djinn and their entire Tribe of Djinn is NOW exclusively available for YOU

 Prepare yourself for the

 “Sibylline Bracelet of the Majestic Nasnas”

  The absolute supreme power these beings possess constitutes this as being presumably one of THE most powerful items YOU will ever have the privilege to be blessed with


  What makes these Djinn more extraordinary than any other Djinn?

 These are Nasnas Djinn. Their extreme raw and untapped power has only been witnessed by a select few. The location of their purlieu is only know by a handful of mortals - Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria and his descendants are some of them

  The pedigree of both the King and Queen Nasnas Djinn has been traced back to creation. The ancestors of this regal pair have interbred between different phylums of Djinn and Humans, leaving this Majestic couple with the powers and traits of many different types of beings, plus the rare ability to make them more physical in materialiing to YOU

 The Djinn within this superbly exquisite Bracelet were willingly bound by the Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria, over 120 months

  In total there are over 17,500 Djinn bound to this meticulously hand-crafted bracelet.  Each one is a believer, which denotes that they are practising Muslims and worship Allah. They are ‘Grey’ in the essence that they will use their powers with the intent to help, but without the permission and/or understanding of the receiver; this also incorporates them being White Light Entities, where their magick is performed with the intent to help and with the permission and understanding of the receiver. These unique Imperial Djinn are by far the most All-Powerful Djinn YOU will ever encounter

  YOUR life WILL change FOREVER

  Just some of the powers and desires granted by these AMAZING Nasnas Djinn are:

 Unparalleled Prophetic Visions and Oracular Revelations

 Jet-propelled Time and Astral Travel to Other Worlds and Eras

 Spectacular Communication with Otherworldly Entities

 Miraculous Healing Abilities for YOURSELF and others

 Unrefined Serenity and Harmony Forever in YOUR life

 Staggering Protection from Negative Energies and Entities

 Exclusive Knowledge and Wisdom of all forms of Magick

 Unlimited Wishes for All Eternity

 And above all.....

 A multitude of Loyal and Trustworthy Friends who will accompany YOU for the rest of YOUR life 

  These All-Powerful Nasnas Djinn will only serve YOU, their true Master.

 The will work unconditionally and incessantly to ensure ALL or YOUR Dreams and Desire physically manifest 

 At night, you can place this museum quality bracelet under your pillow for these unprecedented Nasnas Djinn to visit you in your dreams and protect you in your sleep.

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 The crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ to be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  You will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’. No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


 Friday 3rd November 2017 saw a dark day for the Metaphysical World.

 At 4.16am UK time, at the young age of 104 years and 1 month, Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria said his goodbyes to his family and close friends, before peacefully passing over to the Spirit Realm.

 Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria was born October 1914 in the Nukhaib region of the Vilayet of Baghdad. He practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat. His ancestral lineage traces back thousands of years and each generation produced a mighty Djinn Master – this was in his blood – this was his destiny.

 Renowned worldwide he was considered to be the most powerful and respected Djinn Master since King Solomon himself. He was called upon by celebrities, Royalty and even covert World Orders who search out powers far beyond that which is known to mankind.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria traversed the entire world in his bid to discover and possess the largest collection of Djinn species since the Great King Solomon himself. During his crusade, he unearthed Djinn that were once only thought of as legend. It was this drive and sheer determination that gave him the honourable title of Master Djinn Conjurer.

 Ancestral legend and tales state the original ring possessed, was once owned by King Solomon with the sole purpose to bind and summon the Djinn – this was his legacy as it is now his son’s.

 Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria worked alongside his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn Tariqaat Lal Shah. This omnipotent Djinn is one of the original servants of King Solomon himself

 I cannot thank and praise this man highly enough. My life would not be what it is now, without the ingenious knowledge and wisdom of Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria. He has touched so many people’s lives in so many miraculous ways and has brought the Power of the Djinn to tens of thousands of us mere mortals.

 However, this is definitely not the end of the Fakir’s work. In fact, a New Age in Djinn Conjuration has fallen upon us. Abdul-Muta'alee has been training his successors since the day they were born and each on is just as powerful as their Mentor! I would like to introduce you to the heirs of Fakir Abdul-Muta'alee Zakaria’s empire: Al-Amir Zakaria - Son; Izz al-Din Zakaria - Grandson; and Hakim al-Jabbar Zakaria - Great-Grandson. Each one of these All-Powerful Master Djinn Conjurers have practiced Tasawwuf and achieved the highest order of Haqiqat and have dedicated their entire lives searching and binding Djinn with the sole purpose of carrying on Abdul-Muta'alee’s legacy.

 The title of Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir has been passed on to his grandson Izz al-Din Zakaria as has the position of Sahib of the Jabbār Qahhār nasīr li Sulaymān Coven.

 Do YOU deserve to join the small handful of people who have already profited from the use of this phenomenal Nasnasian Power?

 YOU can live your Dreams NOW

 This museum quality Nasnas vessel is an exquisite Artifact that is a masterpiece of Middle-Eastern handcrafted beauty. This luxurious bracelet does not need to be worn for the full power of the Nasnas Djinn to materialize. You can wear in on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket.  Izz al-Din Zakaria and his personal Sulaiman First Class King Marid Djinn, have cast many spells over 120 months and many of these will ensure your bracelet will not be affected in any way if it is broken

 Without a shadow of a doubt, this Nasnasian Artifact is the epitome of Djinn Multipotent Power. A rare beauty of metaphysical Vestige that will be the pride of your collection

 "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."


Shipped from the US

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