Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn-50 DIFFERENT SPECIES of DJINN!!! Bracelet

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 Only read this page if you’re serious about creating a brand new life for yourself

 You know me, I don’t mess around when it comes to anything Djinn, so I’m not going to mess around with you now…

 I Swear To Give You…

 The Truth…

 The Whole Truth and...

 Nothing but the Truth

 Hello Sue,

 its been long time since i last wrote on you. I apologize for not having the time to give u update of my situations…but i have good news for u.

 after months of hard work with my djinn spirits which includes daily prayers of requesting small things to overcome obstacles im going through and thanking them at same time….i can confidently tell you that my spirit guardians has granted most of my wishes in a slow transition way. i guess how i can explain this is…they grant my wish at the proper time and place.

 after months of struggle to find a descent job…one of the djinn spirit i entrusted my wish to grant me a job…and not only just a get-by job but a much better pay and better environment job. i was stress free at work and people respects me the way i could never imagine. although it was a short term contract job but i couldnt ask for more because i know it is my stepping stone to something better.

not only that…after a few months of getting this job…another job offer came along my path and this time it is a long term job to secure my finances.

i kept a log book of all my communication to my djinn spirits and i was amazed to find out few months later that most of the wishes i addresses to my djinn spirits has came true already with slight variations…but nonetheless…i could not thank them enough for such miracles.

 my mental capacity and wisdom has grown up in ways i could not imagine. i became more confident to control my anger…control any upsetting situations in life and being able to be sensitive to negative energy that is about to cross my path. I am able to control most situations in my family if there is an upsetting issue that arises.

 each day im learning small things that my spirits has been teaching me trough tiny clues. out of the 12 djinn spirits names you gave me…half of them are very responsive to my calling. I am yet to discover what the other half of them can do for me.

 i am thankful for the prayers and rituals you have provided for me as it has been very useful for my every use.

 this year is almost gone again and i have yet few more wishes that i am looking forward to come true at any given time now. i will definitely update you of more good news.

 i am most thankful for all the help and aid you have given me.

 is there any way we can communicate mentally? it would be an honor to meet u through my scrying that i am working on.

 once again…i wish to extend my undying gratidute for all your help.



 Would YOU like to see those sorts of results?

 Give Me 5 Minutes of Your Time and If You Can handle the SHEER OMNIPOTENT POWER that has been entrusted to me, I’ll Show You How to Possess and Control THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL ARTEFACT in the public realm

 It really is very simple. I know how to get these results, I have successfully harnessed its Godlike Power to use at will

 If YOU qualify as someone my dear friend, mentor and guide Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria, his Djinni and myself know could handle such Supreme Universal Power, then I may be able to Help You Achieve Heaven on Earth!

 If you want to Change Your Entire Life, Have Whatever You Want, Be Whoever You Desire, Work Whenever (if ever) You Choose, Go Wherever You Wish at Any Time You Decide … then today is a great day for you…


 Because there are thousands of Metaphysical Artefacts available to you that will purportedly help you to do this BUT…

 You’re looking at one of the RARE and UNIQUE Djinn Artefacts that actually CAN

 This is because the reliquary that you are about to view contains the greatest number of DIFFERENT SPECIES/TYPES of Djinn EVER released in to the Public Realm… and I’ll prove it!

 And if you qualify, not only CAN Myself and the Fakir Help… but We WILL

 Now I don’t want to take up all of your time. Once you’ve seen that I’m for real and ergo so is this relic; you’re either going to be interested in what I can offer or you won’t

 That basically translates into…

 You will see I can help you create your very own Paradisiacal Life, World, Universe and you’ll want my help to do so… or you won’t

 So before I get into what I can specifically do for you (if you qualify) I want to show you…

 PROOF That the Metaphysical Artefacts that I, BaphometDawn use Myself and Others Are Genuine and Actually Work...And Can Do The Same For YOU

 Here are some testimonials from successful and happy clients and friends I have helped throughout the years:

 I'm very happy beyond belief that I had the opportunity available to own a vestige of the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea. I can sincerely confirm that the powers of the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea are 100% real. I currently have serious dental problems, as seen on the picture I made. The hole within my front teeth and one of my molars are so severely damaged that the nerves became exposed since last month, which normally really hurts if you have to cope with this. The Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea took away the pain very shortly afterwards when i kindly requested this.

 I soon have to visit a dentist, but certain happenings recently in my life have withhold me to go. And have felt no pain since my nerves became exposed . its really amazing

 Its not the only healing those wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea have performed for me, as im the very same person who wrote the testimonials of my cat and my now fully healed cubital tunnel syndrome which I had to cope with for over 3 years.

 I’m also the same person who did see instant calling while browsing bonanza. When I received the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea it was extremely easy to bond with and I immediately noticed relief after completing the final statement of the Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente which Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria carried out on behalf for me.

 My sincere gratitude is beyond belief towards Sue for offering these wonderful Djinn and towards Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria for all his wonderful efforts to conjure those wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea. And ofcourse this sincere gratitude also applies towards the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea.

 Besides healing what these wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea provide, they are wonderful companions to bond a real respectful friendship with in the same way we all do from person to person in life.

 Sue and Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria really know their expertise and are doing wonderful efforts to sincerely help other people within this world which in turn makes this world a better experience to live in. They are genuine wonderful persons which inspire me tremendous to work hard upon myself to be able within the future to also help heal and support the people of this world.

 There is more I do wish to tell and share with you, as more great things did manifest

 a while ago i made a wish that my mother could sell her house, which did happen.

 the buyers required to sell their house first as well, my mom told me,  made another wish, did manifest too within a week for those people.

 my mom had an eye on a apartment nearby, but was very worried that it got sold before she managed to sell her house. Made another wish, and yes, she got it and even managed to get her apartment 40.000 euro cheaper,  her original amount dropped with 25.000 euro as well, but is a very good deal, she is a very good negotiator who used to have her own pedicure clinic in our soon old house, but the unfortunate thing is that she fell down from the stairs back in 2005, and had to give up her business.  I was experiencing visions of a future accident, but fate has changed.

 its amazing what happened selling your house is very very hard in this time.

 You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always

 the energies that emanate from this ring are really beautiful, my whole chakra system is just buzzing, they are really wonderful Djinn, just checking me out tonight as Djinn do but they really like the incense i work with and cleansing/supercharging before carrying out the circle of protection and conjuration made all the difference, lots of visual imagery in my third eye too :)

 Amazing ring, felt the presence of my new friends all around the vibrations of the ring in my hand really fired up my hand chakra/chakras, very hot, like anything practice makes perfect but i loved the rite/conjuration, just need a little practice with the names but intention makes all the difference :)

 lady sue i wanna thank you!! for helping me i barely can wear pendant long the power is soooo strong :) PLEASE never forget me and keep helping us simple folk who needs you! :) i need you hugs& love2ya i will r

 Words are not enough to express my experiences with Baphometdawn. Thank you so much for helping to change my life. My brightest blessings.

 Unique Djinn entity. look fwd to working with her strong energies. Will let you know how it goes

 rare djinn entities offering unconditional love and strength. Connection was immediate and I can already feel their influence. Thank-you so much.

 Enough for you?

 These people are REAL…

 Because they have Possessed, Used and Greatly Gained from the GENUINE Relics supplied to them from BaphometDawn!

 And you’ve seen with your own eyes what they have to say about me

 But there’s one other factor that I want to cover…

 Real-World R-E-S-U-L-T-S!!!

 This is all that really matters right?

 If I can’t give you the wish or desire you want, then I’m not worth your time

 So here’s some mind-blowing examples of results and promises that I’ve developed for my friends and clients:

 Authentic Metaphysical Artefacts from some of England’s most revered and sacred magickal locations

Truly Mystical Relics from the Covert Thaumaturger Sect of the Ancient Solomon Order of the Knights Templar based here in my home-town of Hertford, England

Genuine Merlin Artefacts empowered at the sacred site of Camelot, which is just 7 miles from Hertford. This is the ONLY place in UKs history to be named Camelot and Camelot Moat is still as magickal today as it was in Arthurian times

Honest and trustworthy advice, knowledge and wisdom from 100s of years’ experience accumulated by a host of Experts in all Magickal Practices

All of your items are sent specially gift wrapped and most are Internationally Tracked Worldwide with Free Shipping

A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small enquiries to Life-changing Guidance. Advice is always available, even for Magickal items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers

An Extraordinary Investment for your Future

and these are just a few examples!

 I’ve produced continued results like this for many of my clients as well as in my own life and can do the same for you

 Now I’m not saying all this to sing my own praises; I just know that I wouldn’t buy Metaphysical Artefacts from someone who I didn’t think could get the outcome I desired (and had a track-record of success to back it up with)… so I don’t expect you to either

 And that brings me to my…

 “Fair As You Can Get – 100% Guarantee"

 You see, if you qualify to harness this phenomenal power, Fakir and myself are so resolved to making your wish manifest, that I offer you my sincere and trustworthy pledge

 But before I get into the details of that, let me just say one thing...

 What I can – and will – promise if you are the successful heir and successor to this power, is this:

 I will put my heart and soul in to reaching the best outcome of your wishes possible

 If you are not getting the fantastic results you desire, I will give you my continual support it until you do

 If it’s still not good enough (which I must mention has NEVER happened yet!) then I’ll give it over to the Fakir who will re-empower and completely re-energise your Artefact


 Okay, let’s continue…

 You’ve seen my Metaphysical items ARE Genuine and get results

 As I said at the beginning of this listing… I take the Metaphysical and getting results seriously. Myself and the Fakir are not willing to work with people who aren’t just as serious as we are about improving their life

 So here it is…

 How You Qualify To Possess this Artefact and ALL its POWER

 1. You MUST want to Improve Your Life

 2. You MUST Believe in the Power of the Djinn

 3. You MUST be willing to ‘Do What It Takes’ in order for Your Wish to Manifest

 4. You MUST, if Your Wish is for Money, give some of your Windfall to a Charity

 OK BaphometDawn ENOUGH... I'm excited and ready to see exactly what this Artefact is!

 Okay then… Without further ado, I am pleased to introduce


  The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 This Spectacular vessel of Djinnaric splendour, is a specially commissioned Masterpiece of Middle Eastern Magick crafted by Artisans the old fashioned way

 This breathtaking reliquary has been created by Master Djinn Conjurer Izz al-Din Zakaria with the sole purpose of holding by far the most different species of Sovereign First-Class Djinn who are each accompanied by Legions and Myrmidons consisting of thousands of willing Djinn


 Yes, you have understood me correctly

 This Titanic Vessel holds no less than 50 different species of Djinn!!!

 All of these ancient Beings who have existed since the dawn of time, growing in power, knowledge and wisdom with every passing second are awaiting YOUR instructions


 If you genuinely want to become THE most envied Metaphysical Collector in the World today, then you must possess the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 Plus I am so confident of its greatness and power that near the end of this page you’ll see my guarantee: 100% satisfaction

 Then at the end, you’ll find out how to pay. By the way... the price is ridiculously low. You’ll see that later as you read through

 Okay ...

 So the question is...

 Is there a difference between this Djinn Artefact and any other average Djinn Artefact?

 Yes there is a difference. Keep reading and I’ll explain more as the page carries on.

 Also remember, this is about YOU and how these Djinn can affect your life directly. Keep reading…

 The creator behind this spectacular feat is no other than…

 Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria

 The 50 All-Powerful Sovereign Djinn bound to this uniquely hand-crafted giant Reliquary have existed since time began. They will happily co-exist with any type of being – mortal or immortal.

 There has NEVER been this vast quantity of genera of Djinn … their Genus AND Name AND Status will accompany the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’… offered to the general public

 You can be THE one to have a potentially history-changing vestige in your collection

 Just imagine, holding such a monumental and genuinely powerful metaphysical relic in your hands!!!

 If you have no other metaphysical pieces and are looking for the perfect one – this is it!

 Many world leaders already possess Djinn-bound artefacts and have used the powers within these to achieve their positions today. However, even the wealth amassed by the Illuminati and other World Orders has not been enough to be able to procure a TITANIC reliquary such as the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 Rather extraordinary... You Agree?

 This is a once in a lifetime chance for YOU to acquire a power that has been so highly sought after by many

 YES – this Earth-shatteringly omnipotent Relic could actually be YOURS

 If you act quickly enough!

 Keep reading then and I’ll show you a tiny sample of the power you’ll receive from this absolutely beautiful museum quality vestige

 Access to knowledge, wisdom and power far beyond that which has ever been known before on a biblical scale

 Anything you desire or could ever wish for will be yours

 This reliquary possesses extreme power on a Monumental Universal level

 The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ will link YOU directly in conjunction with the cosmic forces

 Willing bound within this mind-blowing Reliquary are 50, YES 50 FIRST-CLASS SOVEREIGN DJINN, EACH ONE FROM A DIFFERENT GENUS

These ancient Djinn have existed since the dawn of time, growing in power, knowledge and wisdom with every passing second. They are deeply loyal and will serve to protect you, their master unconditionally and fulfil your deepest desires

 Unlimited wishes will be yours forever!

 Now you should know that...

 The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

 ACT FAST to avoid disappointment

 This is the Elite of Djinn paraphernalia

 The crème-de-la-crème of Metaphysical Masterpieces


 The real question is…

 HOW MUCH for this premium item of metaphysical history?

 Actually the cost is ZERO...

 It’s Just a Tiny investment….

 To possess one of the most powerful magickal artefacts ever created...

 Quality isn't expensive - it's priceless!

 From the moment these Phenomenal Beings are under your command, you will meet them, learn from them, listen to them and discover their closely guarded millionaire secrets…

 For an outrageous deal you’d better act super-fast. Here’s why...

 Because the longer you leave your decision, the quicker it will go to someone else!

 Want more info? Okay...

 There are Three Major Reasons Why You’d Be Crazy To Miss Out on This Genuine Unparalleled Relic of Djinn Regalia

 1. No-risk guarantee: Not only is the asking price outrageously low for such an ancient and powerful artefact, but you will receive full after-sales assistance until you achieve your desires

 2. There may be thousands of different Djinn-bound artefacts around the world, but there is only one BaphometDawn!

 3. Miss this one and you may not have the chance to possess such a prestigious historical relic again.

 Personal Online Support: I guarantee that I will give you as much guidance, information, advice and support that you require until you have reached the status you desire.

 Can You Afford To Miss Out On What Is Clearly A Life-Transforming Opportunity?

 So let me ask you now...

 Do you deserve to be the keeper of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’?

 Will you grab your chance to sit at the feet of these Ancient All-Powerful Masters of Knowledge, Wisdom and Power?

 Will you take this once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to mix, mingle and talk with some of the most powerful Djinn ever known to mankind?

 *If* you truly feel you do deserve it, do this right now. Click the ‘Add to Cart’ button at the top of this page.

 Finally, let me ask you this...

 How many times over the past few years have you missed out on the perfect metaphysical artefact because you hesitated? 1? 3? 7? Or have you lost count?

 Why Is The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ Any Different To Other Djinn-Bound Artefacts?

 Imagine yourself like this…

 You are relaxing in your favourite hot sun-soaked country, drinking your favourite drink. All you can hear are the waves crashing on the soft golden sand with some exotic birds chirping in the background.

 Before you left for that holiday just some months ago, you bought a new car. You love it.

 All in all... life is great, you’re doing better than you have ever done before in your life. No debts. No pressure. Cash in the bank. Life’s great! And you know what?...

 You Can Even Pinpoint Your Life-Changing Moment...

 Back to today where you made up your mind to make a difference to your life once and for all.

 Do you like the sound of that?

 You should because this is real. It can be real for you. You’ll discover how real it is as the keeper of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

  One of the most common questions I get asked is:

 “Sue, if this is so fantastic, then why aren’t you keeping it?”

 My answer is:

 “It’s what I’m not selling that is the reason I am letting it go!”

 And you want even more?

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 The all-important ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ WILL BE CARRIED OUT ON YOUR BEHALF COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!!!

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 NO PROBLEM - the crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ Binding Ritual will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria's fmaily. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer's family perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  PLUS... you will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’.

 No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


  Are YOU ready to embrace the power of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’?

 You simply CANNOT and MUST NOT miss this chance

Shipped from the UK

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 Only read this page if you’re serious about creating a brand new life for yourself

 You know me, I don’t mess around when it comes to anything Djinn, so I’m not going to mess around with you now…

 I Swear To Give You…

 The Truth…

 The Whole Truth and...

 Nothing but the Truth

 Hello Sue,

 its been long time since i last wrote on you. I apologize for not having the time to give u update of my situations…but i have good news for u.

 after months of hard work with my djinn spirits which includes daily prayers of requesting small things to overcome obstacles im going through and thanking them at same time….i can confidently tell you that my spirit guardians has granted most of my wishes in a slow transition way. i guess how i can explain this is…they grant my wish at the proper time and place.

 after months of struggle to find a descent job…one of the djinn spirit i entrusted my wish to grant me a job…and not only just a get-by job but a much better pay and better environment job. i was stress free at work and people respects me the way i could never imagine. although it was a short term contract job but i couldnt ask for more because i know it is my stepping stone to something better.

not only that…after a few months of getting this job…another job offer came along my path and this time it is a long term job to secure my finances.

i kept a log book of all my communication to my djinn spirits and i was amazed to find out few months later that most of the wishes i addresses to my djinn spirits has came true already with slight variations…but nonetheless…i could not thank them enough for such miracles.

 my mental capacity and wisdom has grown up in ways i could not imagine. i became more confident to control my anger…control any upsetting situations in life and being able to be sensitive to negative energy that is about to cross my path. I am able to control most situations in my family if there is an upsetting issue that arises.

 each day im learning small things that my spirits has been teaching me trough tiny clues. out of the 12 djinn spirits names you gave me…half of them are very responsive to my calling. I am yet to discover what the other half of them can do for me.

 i am thankful for the prayers and rituals you have provided for me as it has been very useful for my every use.

 this year is almost gone again and i have yet few more wishes that i am looking forward to come true at any given time now. i will definitely update you of more good news.

 i am most thankful for all the help and aid you have given me.

 is there any way we can communicate mentally? it would be an honor to meet u through my scrying that i am working on.

 once again…i wish to extend my undying gratidute for all your help.



 Would YOU like to see those sorts of results?

 Give Me 5 Minutes of Your Time and If You Can handle the SHEER OMNIPOTENT POWER that has been entrusted to me, I’ll Show You How to Possess and Control THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL ARTEFACT in the public realm

 It really is very simple. I know how to get these results, I have successfully harnessed its Godlike Power to use at will

 If YOU qualify as someone my dear friend, mentor and guide Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria, his Djinni and myself know could handle such Supreme Universal Power, then I may be able to Help You Achieve Heaven on Earth!

 If you want to Change Your Entire Life, Have Whatever You Want, Be Whoever You Desire, Work Whenever (if ever) You Choose, Go Wherever You Wish at Any Time You Decide … then today is a great day for you…


 Because there are thousands of Metaphysical Artefacts available to you that will purportedly help you to do this BUT…

 You’re looking at one of the RARE and UNIQUE Djinn Artefacts that actually CAN

 This is because the reliquary that you are about to view contains the greatest number of DIFFERENT SPECIES/TYPES of Djinn EVER released in to the Public Realm… and I’ll prove it!

 And if you qualify, not only CAN Myself and the Fakir Help… but We WILL

 Now I don’t want to take up all of your time. Once you’ve seen that I’m for real and ergo so is this relic; you’re either going to be interested in what I can offer or you won’t

 That basically translates into…

 You will see I can help you create your very own Paradisiacal Life, World, Universe and you’ll want my help to do so… or you won’t

 So before I get into what I can specifically do for you (if you qualify) I want to show you…

 PROOF That the Metaphysical Artefacts that I, BaphometDawn use Myself and Others Are Genuine and Actually Work...And Can Do The Same For YOU

 Here are some testimonials from successful and happy clients and friends I have helped throughout the years:

 I'm very happy beyond belief that I had the opportunity available to own a vestige of the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea. I can sincerely confirm that the powers of the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea are 100% real. I currently have serious dental problems, as seen on the picture I made. The hole within my front teeth and one of my molars are so severely damaged that the nerves became exposed since last month, which normally really hurts if you have to cope with this. The Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea took away the pain very shortly afterwards when i kindly requested this.

 I soon have to visit a dentist, but certain happenings recently in my life have withhold me to go. And have felt no pain since my nerves became exposed . its really amazing

 Its not the only healing those wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea have performed for me, as im the very same person who wrote the testimonials of my cat and my now fully healed cubital tunnel syndrome which I had to cope with for over 3 years.

 I’m also the same person who did see instant calling while browsing bonanza. When I received the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea it was extremely easy to bond with and I immediately noticed relief after completing the final statement of the Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente which Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria carried out on behalf for me.

 My sincere gratitude is beyond belief towards Sue for offering these wonderful Djinn and towards Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria for all his wonderful efforts to conjure those wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea. And ofcourse this sincere gratitude also applies towards the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea.

 Besides healing what these wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea provide, they are wonderful companions to bond a real respectful friendship with in the same way we all do from person to person in life.

 Sue and Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria really know their expertise and are doing wonderful efforts to sincerely help other people within this world which in turn makes this world a better experience to live in. They are genuine wonderful persons which inspire me tremendous to work hard upon myself to be able within the future to also help heal and support the people of this world.

 There is more I do wish to tell and share with you, as more great things did manifest

 a while ago i made a wish that my mother could sell her house, which did happen.

 the buyers required to sell their house first as well, my mom told me,  made another wish, did manifest too within a week for those people.

 my mom had an eye on a apartment nearby, but was very worried that it got sold before she managed to sell her house. Made another wish, and yes, she got it and even managed to get her apartment 40.000 euro cheaper,  her original amount dropped with 25.000 euro as well, but is a very good deal, she is a very good negotiator who used to have her own pedicure clinic in our soon old house, but the unfortunate thing is that she fell down from the stairs back in 2005, and had to give up her business.  I was experiencing visions of a future accident, but fate has changed.

 its amazing what happened selling your house is very very hard in this time.

 You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always

 the energies that emanate from this ring are really beautiful, my whole chakra system is just buzzing, they are really wonderful Djinn, just checking me out tonight as Djinn do but they really like the incense i work with and cleansing/supercharging before carrying out the circle of protection and conjuration made all the difference, lots of visual imagery in my third eye too :)

 Amazing ring, felt the presence of my new friends all around the vibrations of the ring in my hand really fired up my hand chakra/chakras, very hot, like anything practice makes perfect but i loved the rite/conjuration, just need a little practice with the names but intention makes all the difference :)

 lady sue i wanna thank you!! for helping me i barely can wear pendant long the power is soooo strong :) PLEASE never forget me and keep helping us simple folk who needs you! :) i need you hugs& love2ya i will r

 Words are not enough to express my experiences with Baphometdawn. Thank you so much for helping to change my life. My brightest blessings.

 Unique Djinn entity. look fwd to working with her strong energies. Will let you know how it goes

 rare djinn entities offering unconditional love and strength. Connection was immediate and I can already feel their influence. Thank-you so much.

 Enough for you?

 These people are REAL…

 Because they have Possessed, Used and Greatly Gained from the GENUINE Relics supplied to them from BaphometDawn!

 And you’ve seen with your own eyes what they have to say about me

 But there’s one other factor that I want to cover…

 Real-World R-E-S-U-L-T-S!!!

 This is all that really matters right?

 If I can’t give you the wish or desire you want, then I’m not worth your time

 So here’s some mind-blowing examples of results and promises that I’ve developed for my friends and clients:

 Authentic Metaphysical Artefacts from some of England’s most revered and sacred magickal locations

Truly Mystical Relics from the Covert Thaumaturger Sect of the Ancient Solomon Order of the Knights Templar based here in my home-town of Hertford, England

Genuine Merlin Artefacts empowered at the sacred site of Camelot, which is just 7 miles from Hertford. This is the ONLY place in UKs history to be named Camelot and Camelot Moat is still as magickal today as it was in Arthurian times

Honest and trustworthy advice, knowledge and wisdom from 100s of years’ experience accumulated by a host of Experts in all Magickal Practices

All of your items are sent specially gift wrapped and most are Internationally Tracked Worldwide with Free Shipping

A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small enquiries to Life-changing Guidance. Advice is always available, even for Magickal items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers

An Extraordinary Investment for your Future

and these are just a few examples!

 I’ve produced continued results like this for many of my clients as well as in my own life and can do the same for you

 Now I’m not saying all this to sing my own praises; I just know that I wouldn’t buy Metaphysical Artefacts from someone who I didn’t think could get the outcome I desired (and had a track-record of success to back it up with)… so I don’t expect you to either

 And that brings me to my…

 “Fair As You Can Get – 100% Guarantee"

 You see, if you qualify to harness this phenomenal power, Fakir and myself are so resolved to making your wish manifest, that I offer you my sincere and trustworthy pledge

 But before I get into the details of that, let me just say one thing...

 What I can – and will – promise if you are the successful heir and successor to this power, is this:

 I will put my heart and soul in to reaching the best outcome of your wishes possible

 If you are not getting the fantastic results you desire, I will give you my continual support it until you do

 If it’s still not good enough (which I must mention has NEVER happened yet!) then I’ll give it over to the Fakir who will re-empower and completely re-energise your Artefact


 Okay, let’s continue…

 You’ve seen my Metaphysical items ARE Genuine and get results

 As I said at the beginning of this listing… I take the Metaphysical and getting results seriously. Myself and the Fakir are not willing to work with people who aren’t just as serious as we are about improving their life

 So here it is…

 How You Qualify To Possess this Artefact and ALL its POWER

 1. You MUST want to Improve Your Life

 2. You MUST Believe in the Power of the Djinn

 3. You MUST be willing to ‘Do What It Takes’ in order for Your Wish to Manifest

 4. You MUST, if Your Wish is for Money, give some of your Windfall to a Charity

 OK BaphometDawn ENOUGH... I'm excited and ready to see exactly what this Artefact is!

 Okay then… Without further ado, I am pleased to introduce


  The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 This Spectacular vessel of Djinnaric splendour, is a specially commissioned Masterpiece of Middle Eastern Magick crafted by Artisans the old fashioned way

 This breathtaking reliquary has been created by Master Djinn Conjurer Izz al-Din Zakaria with the sole purpose of holding by far the most different species of Sovereign First-Class Djinn who are each accompanied by Legions and Myrmidons consisting of thousands of willing Djinn


 Yes, you have understood me correctly

 This Titanic Vessel holds no less than 50 different species of Djinn!!!

 All of these ancient Beings who have existed since the dawn of time, growing in power, knowledge and wisdom with every passing second are awaiting YOUR instructions


 If you genuinely want to become THE most envied Metaphysical Collector in the World today, then you must possess the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 Plus I am so confident of its greatness and power that near the end of this page you’ll see my guarantee: 100% satisfaction

 Then at the end, you’ll find out how to pay. By the way... the price is ridiculously low. You’ll see that later as you read through

 Okay ...

 So the question is...

 Is there a difference between this Djinn Artefact and any other average Djinn Artefact?

 Yes there is a difference. Keep reading and I’ll explain more as the page carries on.

 Also remember, this is about YOU and how these Djinn can affect your life directly. Keep reading…

 The creator behind this spectacular feat is no other than…

 Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria

 The 50 All-Powerful Sovereign Djinn bound to this uniquely hand-crafted giant Reliquary have existed since time began. They will happily co-exist with any type of being – mortal or immortal.

 There has NEVER been this vast quantity of genera of Djinn … their Genus AND Name AND Status will accompany the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’… offered to the general public

 You can be THE one to have a potentially history-changing vestige in your collection

 Just imagine, holding such a monumental and genuinely powerful metaphysical relic in your hands!!!

 If you have no other metaphysical pieces and are looking for the perfect one – this is it!

 Many world leaders already possess Djinn-bound artefacts and have used the powers within these to achieve their positions today. However, even the wealth amassed by the Illuminati and other World Orders has not been enough to be able to procure a TITANIC reliquary such as the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 Rather extraordinary... You Agree?

 This is a once in a lifetime chance for YOU to acquire a power that has been so highly sought after by many

 YES – this Earth-shatteringly omnipotent Relic could actually be YOURS

 If you act quickly enough!

 Keep reading then and I’ll show you a tiny sample of the power you’ll receive from this absolutely beautiful museum quality vestige

 Access to knowledge, wisdom and power far beyond that which has ever been known before on a biblical scale

 Anything you desire or could ever wish for will be yours

 This reliquary possesses extreme power on a Monumental Universal level

 The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ will link YOU directly in conjunction with the cosmic forces

 Willing bound within this mind-blowing Reliquary are 50, YES 50 FIRST-CLASS SOVEREIGN DJINN, EACH ONE FROM A DIFFERENT GENUS

These ancient Djinn have existed since the dawn of time, growing in power, knowledge and wisdom with every passing second. They are deeply loyal and will serve to protect you, their master unconditionally and fulfil your deepest desires

 Unlimited wishes will be yours forever!

 Now you should know that...

 The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

 ACT FAST to avoid disappointment

 This is the Elite of Djinn paraphernalia

 The crème-de-la-crème of Metaphysical Masterpieces


 The real question is…

 HOW MUCH for this premium item of metaphysical history?

 Actually the cost is ZERO...

 It’s Just a Tiny investment….

 To possess one of the most powerful magickal artefacts ever created...

 Quality isn't expensive - it's priceless!

 From the moment these Phenomenal Beings are under your command, you will meet them, learn from them, listen to them and discover their closely guarded millionaire secrets…

 For an outrageous deal you’d better act super-fast. Here’s why...

 Because the longer you leave your decision, the quicker it will go to someone else!

 Want more info? Okay...

 There are Three Major Reasons Why You’d Be Crazy To Miss Out on This Genuine Unparalleled Relic of Djinn Regalia

 1. No-risk guarantee: Not only is the asking price outrageously low for such an ancient and powerful artefact, but you will receive full after-sales assistance until you achieve your desires

 2. There may be thousands of different Djinn-bound artefacts around the world, but there is only one BaphometDawn!

 3. Miss this one and you may not have the chance to possess such a prestigious historical relic again.

 Personal Online Support: I guarantee that I will give you as much guidance, information, advice and support that you require until you have reached the status you desire.

 Can You Afford To Miss Out On What Is Clearly A Life-Transforming Opportunity?

 So let me ask you now...

 Do you deserve to be the keeper of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’?

 Will you grab your chance to sit at the feet of these Ancient All-Powerful Masters of Knowledge, Wisdom and Power?

 Will you take this once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to mix, mingle and talk with some of the most powerful Djinn ever known to mankind?

 *If* you truly feel you do deserve it, do this right now. Click the ‘Add to Cart’ button at the top of this page.

 Finally, let me ask you this...

 How many times over the past few years have you missed out on the perfect metaphysical artefact because you hesitated? 1? 3? 7? Or have you lost count?

 Why Is The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ Any Different To Other Djinn-Bound Artefacts?

 Imagine yourself like this…

 You are relaxing in your favourite hot sun-soaked country, drinking your favourite drink. All you can hear are the waves crashing on the soft golden sand with some exotic birds chirping in the background.

 Before you left for that holiday just some months ago, you bought a new car. You love it.

 All in all... life is great, you’re doing better than you have ever done before in your life. No debts. No pressure. Cash in the bank. Life’s great! And you know what?...

 You Can Even Pinpoint Your Life-Changing Moment...

 Back to today where you made up your mind to make a difference to your life once and for all.

 Do you like the sound of that?

 You should because this is real. It can be real for you. You’ll discover how real it is as the keeper of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

  One of the most common questions I get asked is:

 “Sue, if this is so fantastic, then why aren’t you keeping it?”

 My answer is:

 “It’s what I’m not selling that is the reason I am letting it go!”

 And you want even more?

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 The all-important ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ WILL BE CARRIED OUT ON YOUR BEHALF COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!!!

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 NO PROBLEM - the crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ Binding Ritual will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria's fmaily. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer's family perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  PLUS... you will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’.

 No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


  Are YOU ready to embrace the power of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’?

 You simply CANNOT and MUST NOT miss this chance

Shipped from the UK


 Only read this page if you’re serious about creating a brand new life for yourself

 You know me, I don’t mess around when it comes to anything Djinn, so I’m not going to mess around with you now…

 I Swear To Give You…

 The Truth…

 The Whole Truth and...

 Nothing but the Truth

 Hello Sue,

 its been long time since i last wrote on you. I apologize for not having the time to give u update of my situations…but i have good news for u.

 after months of hard work with my djinn spirits which includes daily prayers of requesting small things to overcome obstacles im going through and thanking them at same time….i can confidently tell you that my spirit guardians has granted most of my wishes in a slow transition way. i guess how i can explain this is…they grant my wish at the proper time and place.

 after months of struggle to find a descent job…one of the djinn spirit i entrusted my wish to grant me a job…and not only just a get-by job but a much better pay and better environment job. i was stress free at work and people respects me the way i could never imagine. although it was a short term contract job but i couldnt ask for more because i know it is my stepping stone to something better.

not only that…after a few months of getting this job…another job offer came along my path and this time it is a long term job to secure my finances.

i kept a log book of all my communication to my djinn spirits and i was amazed to find out few months later that most of the wishes i addresses to my djinn spirits has came true already with slight variations…but nonetheless…i could not thank them enough for such miracles.

 my mental capacity and wisdom has grown up in ways i could not imagine. i became more confident to control my anger…control any upsetting situations in life and being able to be sensitive to negative energy that is about to cross my path. I am able to control most situations in my family if there is an upsetting issue that arises.

 each day im learning small things that my spirits has been teaching me trough tiny clues. out of the 12 djinn spirits names you gave me…half of them are very responsive to my calling. I am yet to discover what the other half of them can do for me.

 i am thankful for the prayers and rituals you have provided for me as it has been very useful for my every use.

 this year is almost gone again and i have yet few more wishes that i am looking forward to come true at any given time now. i will definitely update you of more good news.

 i am most thankful for all the help and aid you have given me.

 is there any way we can communicate mentally? it would be an honor to meet u through my scrying that i am working on.

 once again…i wish to extend my undying gratidute for all your help.



 Would YOU like to see those sorts of results?

 Give Me 5 Minutes of Your Time and If You Can handle the SHEER OMNIPOTENT POWER that has been entrusted to me, I’ll Show You How to Possess and Control THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL ARTEFACT in the public realm

 It really is very simple. I know how to get these results, I have successfully harnessed its Godlike Power to use at will

 If YOU qualify as someone my dear friend, mentor and guide Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria, his Djinni and myself know could handle such Supreme Universal Power, then I may be able to Help You Achieve Heaven on Earth!

 If you want to Change Your Entire Life, Have Whatever You Want, Be Whoever You Desire, Work Whenever (if ever) You Choose, Go Wherever You Wish at Any Time You Decide … then today is a great day for you…


 Because there are thousands of Metaphysical Artefacts available to you that will purportedly help you to do this BUT…

 You’re looking at one of the RARE and UNIQUE Djinn Artefacts that actually CAN

 This is because the reliquary that you are about to view contains the greatest number of DIFFERENT SPECIES/TYPES of Djinn EVER released in to the Public Realm… and I’ll prove it!

 And if you qualify, not only CAN Myself and the Fakir Help… but We WILL

 Now I don’t want to take up all of your time. Once you’ve seen that I’m for real and ergo so is this relic; you’re either going to be interested in what I can offer or you won’t

 That basically translates into…

 You will see I can help you create your very own Paradisiacal Life, World, Universe and you’ll want my help to do so… or you won’t

 So before I get into what I can specifically do for you (if you qualify) I want to show you…

 PROOF That the Metaphysical Artefacts that I, BaphometDawn use Myself and Others Are Genuine and Actually Work...And Can Do The Same For YOU

 Here are some testimonials from successful and happy clients and friends I have helped throughout the years:

 I'm very happy beyond belief that I had the opportunity available to own a vestige of the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea. I can sincerely confirm that the powers of the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea are 100% real. I currently have serious dental problems, as seen on the picture I made. The hole within my front teeth and one of my molars are so severely damaged that the nerves became exposed since last month, which normally really hurts if you have to cope with this. The Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea took away the pain very shortly afterwards when i kindly requested this.

 I soon have to visit a dentist, but certain happenings recently in my life have withhold me to go. And have felt no pain since my nerves became exposed . its really amazing

 Its not the only healing those wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea have performed for me, as im the very same person who wrote the testimonials of my cat and my now fully healed cubital tunnel syndrome which I had to cope with for over 3 years.

 I’m also the same person who did see instant calling while browsing bonanza. When I received the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea it was extremely easy to bond with and I immediately noticed relief after completing the final statement of the Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente which Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria carried out on behalf for me.

 My sincere gratitude is beyond belief towards Sue for offering these wonderful Djinn and towards Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria for all his wonderful efforts to conjure those wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea. And ofcourse this sincere gratitude also applies towards the Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea.

 Besides healing what these wonderful Nimbus of the Sovereign Djinn Panacea provide, they are wonderful companions to bond a real respectful friendship with in the same way we all do from person to person in life.

 Sue and Fakir Abdul-Muta’alee Zakaria really know their expertise and are doing wonderful efforts to sincerely help other people within this world which in turn makes this world a better experience to live in. They are genuine wonderful persons which inspire me tremendous to work hard upon myself to be able within the future to also help heal and support the people of this world.

 There is more I do wish to tell and share with you, as more great things did manifest

 a while ago i made a wish that my mother could sell her house, which did happen.

 the buyers required to sell their house first as well, my mom told me,  made another wish, did manifest too within a week for those people.

 my mom had an eye on a apartment nearby, but was very worried that it got sold before she managed to sell her house. Made another wish, and yes, she got it and even managed to get her apartment 40.000 euro cheaper,  her original amount dropped with 25.000 euro as well, but is a very good deal, she is a very good negotiator who used to have her own pedicure clinic in our soon old house, but the unfortunate thing is that she fell down from the stairs back in 2005, and had to give up her business.  I was experiencing visions of a future accident, but fate has changed.

 its amazing what happened selling your house is very very hard in this time.

 You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always

 the energies that emanate from this ring are really beautiful, my whole chakra system is just buzzing, they are really wonderful Djinn, just checking me out tonight as Djinn do but they really like the incense i work with and cleansing/supercharging before carrying out the circle of protection and conjuration made all the difference, lots of visual imagery in my third eye too :)

 Amazing ring, felt the presence of my new friends all around the vibrations of the ring in my hand really fired up my hand chakra/chakras, very hot, like anything practice makes perfect but i loved the rite/conjuration, just need a little practice with the names but intention makes all the difference :)

 lady sue i wanna thank you!! for helping me i barely can wear pendant long the power is soooo strong :) PLEASE never forget me and keep helping us simple folk who needs you! :) i need you hugs& love2ya i will r

 Words are not enough to express my experiences with Baphometdawn. Thank you so much for helping to change my life. My brightest blessings.

 Unique Djinn entity. look fwd to working with her strong energies. Will let you know how it goes

 rare djinn entities offering unconditional love and strength. Connection was immediate and I can already feel their influence. Thank-you so much.

 Enough for you?

 These people are REAL…

 Because they have Possessed, Used and Greatly Gained from the GENUINE Relics supplied to them from BaphometDawn!

 And you’ve seen with your own eyes what they have to say about me

 But there’s one other factor that I want to cover…

 Real-World R-E-S-U-L-T-S!!!

 This is all that really matters right?

 If I can’t give you the wish or desire you want, then I’m not worth your time

 So here’s some mind-blowing examples of results and promises that I’ve developed for my friends and clients:

 Authentic Metaphysical Artefacts from some of England’s most revered and sacred magickal locations

Truly Mystical Relics from the Covert Thaumaturger Sect of the Ancient Solomon Order of the Knights Templar based here in my home-town of Hertford, England

Genuine Merlin Artefacts empowered at the sacred site of Camelot, which is just 7 miles from Hertford. This is the ONLY place in UKs history to be named Camelot and Camelot Moat is still as magickal today as it was in Arthurian times

Honest and trustworthy advice, knowledge and wisdom from 100s of years’ experience accumulated by a host of Experts in all Magickal Practices

All of your items are sent specially gift wrapped and most are Internationally Tracked Worldwide with Free Shipping

A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small enquiries to Life-changing Guidance. Advice is always available, even for Magickal items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers

An Extraordinary Investment for your Future

and these are just a few examples!

 I’ve produced continued results like this for many of my clients as well as in my own life and can do the same for you

 Now I’m not saying all this to sing my own praises; I just know that I wouldn’t buy Metaphysical Artefacts from someone who I didn’t think could get the outcome I desired (and had a track-record of success to back it up with)… so I don’t expect you to either

 And that brings me to my…

 “Fair As You Can Get – 100% Guarantee"

 You see, if you qualify to harness this phenomenal power, Fakir and myself are so resolved to making your wish manifest, that I offer you my sincere and trustworthy pledge

 But before I get into the details of that, let me just say one thing...

 What I can – and will – promise if you are the successful heir and successor to this power, is this:

 I will put my heart and soul in to reaching the best outcome of your wishes possible

 If you are not getting the fantastic results you desire, I will give you my continual support it until you do

 If it’s still not good enough (which I must mention has NEVER happened yet!) then I’ll give it over to the Fakir who will re-empower and completely re-energise your Artefact


 Okay, let’s continue…

 You’ve seen my Metaphysical items ARE Genuine and get results

 As I said at the beginning of this listing… I take the Metaphysical and getting results seriously. Myself and the Fakir are not willing to work with people who aren’t just as serious as we are about improving their life

 So here it is…

 How You Qualify To Possess this Artefact and ALL its POWER

 1. You MUST want to Improve Your Life

 2. You MUST Believe in the Power of the Djinn

 3. You MUST be willing to ‘Do What It Takes’ in order for Your Wish to Manifest

 4. You MUST, if Your Wish is for Money, give some of your Windfall to a Charity

 OK BaphometDawn ENOUGH... I'm excited and ready to see exactly what this Artefact is!

 Okay then… Without further ado, I am pleased to introduce


  The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 This Spectacular vessel of Djinnaric splendour, is a specially commissioned Masterpiece of Middle Eastern Magick crafted by Artisans the old fashioned way

 This breathtaking reliquary has been created by Master Djinn Conjurer Izz al-Din Zakaria with the sole purpose of holding by far the most different species of Sovereign First-Class Djinn who are each accompanied by Legions and Myrmidons consisting of thousands of willing Djinn


 Yes, you have understood me correctly

 This Titanic Vessel holds no less than 50 different species of Djinn!!!

 All of these ancient Beings who have existed since the dawn of time, growing in power, knowledge and wisdom with every passing second are awaiting YOUR instructions


 If you genuinely want to become THE most envied Metaphysical Collector in the World today, then you must possess the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 Plus I am so confident of its greatness and power that near the end of this page you’ll see my guarantee: 100% satisfaction

 Then at the end, you’ll find out how to pay. By the way... the price is ridiculously low. You’ll see that later as you read through

 Okay ...

 So the question is...

 Is there a difference between this Djinn Artefact and any other average Djinn Artefact?

 Yes there is a difference. Keep reading and I’ll explain more as the page carries on.

 Also remember, this is about YOU and how these Djinn can affect your life directly. Keep reading…

 The creator behind this spectacular feat is no other than…

 Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria

 The 50 All-Powerful Sovereign Djinn bound to this uniquely hand-crafted giant Reliquary have existed since time began. They will happily co-exist with any type of being – mortal or immortal.

 There has NEVER been this vast quantity of genera of Djinn … their Genus AND Name AND Status will accompany the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’… offered to the general public

 You can be THE one to have a potentially history-changing vestige in your collection

 Just imagine, holding such a monumental and genuinely powerful metaphysical relic in your hands!!!

 If you have no other metaphysical pieces and are looking for the perfect one – this is it!

 Many world leaders already possess Djinn-bound artefacts and have used the powers within these to achieve their positions today. However, even the wealth amassed by the Illuminati and other World Orders has not been enough to be able to procure a TITANIC reliquary such as the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

 Rather extraordinary... You Agree?

 This is a once in a lifetime chance for YOU to acquire a power that has been so highly sought after by many

 YES – this Earth-shatteringly omnipotent Relic could actually be YOURS

 If you act quickly enough!

 Keep reading then and I’ll show you a tiny sample of the power you’ll receive from this absolutely beautiful museum quality vestige

 Access to knowledge, wisdom and power far beyond that which has ever been known before on a biblical scale

 Anything you desire or could ever wish for will be yours

 This reliquary possesses extreme power on a Monumental Universal level

 The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ will link YOU directly in conjunction with the cosmic forces

 Willing bound within this mind-blowing Reliquary are 50, YES 50 FIRST-CLASS SOVEREIGN DJINN, EACH ONE FROM A DIFFERENT GENUS

These ancient Djinn have existed since the dawn of time, growing in power, knowledge and wisdom with every passing second. They are deeply loyal and will serve to protect you, their master unconditionally and fulfil your deepest desires

 Unlimited wishes will be yours forever!

 Now you should know that...

 The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

 ACT FAST to avoid disappointment

 This is the Elite of Djinn paraphernalia

 The crème-de-la-crème of Metaphysical Masterpieces


 The real question is…

 HOW MUCH for this premium item of metaphysical history?

 Actually the cost is ZERO...

 It’s Just a Tiny investment….

 To possess one of the most powerful magickal artefacts ever created...

 Quality isn't expensive - it's priceless!

 From the moment these Phenomenal Beings are under your command, you will meet them, learn from them, listen to them and discover their closely guarded millionaire secrets…

 For an outrageous deal you’d better act super-fast. Here’s why...

 Because the longer you leave your decision, the quicker it will go to someone else!

 Want more info? Okay...

 There are Three Major Reasons Why You’d Be Crazy To Miss Out on This Genuine Unparalleled Relic of Djinn Regalia

 1. No-risk guarantee: Not only is the asking price outrageously low for such an ancient and powerful artefact, but you will receive full after-sales assistance until you achieve your desires

 2. There may be thousands of different Djinn-bound artefacts around the world, but there is only one BaphometDawn!

 3. Miss this one and you may not have the chance to possess such a prestigious historical relic again.

 Personal Online Support: I guarantee that I will give you as much guidance, information, advice and support that you require until you have reached the status you desire.

 Can You Afford To Miss Out On What Is Clearly A Life-Transforming Opportunity?

 So let me ask you now...

 Do you deserve to be the keeper of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’?

 Will you grab your chance to sit at the feet of these Ancient All-Powerful Masters of Knowledge, Wisdom and Power?

 Will you take this once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to mix, mingle and talk with some of the most powerful Djinn ever known to mankind?

 *If* you truly feel you do deserve it, do this right now. Click the ‘Add to Cart’ button at the top of this page.

 Finally, let me ask you this...

 How many times over the past few years have you missed out on the perfect metaphysical artefact because you hesitated? 1? 3? 7? Or have you lost count?

 Why Is The ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’ Any Different To Other Djinn-Bound Artefacts?

 Imagine yourself like this…

 You are relaxing in your favourite hot sun-soaked country, drinking your favourite drink. All you can hear are the waves crashing on the soft golden sand with some exotic birds chirping in the background.

 Before you left for that holiday just some months ago, you bought a new car. You love it.

 All in all... life is great, you’re doing better than you have ever done before in your life. No debts. No pressure. Cash in the bank. Life’s great! And you know what?...

 You Can Even Pinpoint Your Life-Changing Moment...

 Back to today where you made up your mind to make a difference to your life once and for all.

 Do you like the sound of that?

 You should because this is real. It can be real for you. You’ll discover how real it is as the keeper of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’

  One of the most common questions I get asked is:

 “Sue, if this is so fantastic, then why aren’t you keeping it?”

 My answer is:

 “It’s what I’m not selling that is the reason I am letting it go!”

 And you want even more?

 Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with your Djinn

 The all-important ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ WILL BE CARRIED OUT ON YOUR BEHALF COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!!!

 Daunted by carrying out an ancient ritual that often contains perplexing and incomprehensible Djinn names or languages?

 NO PROBLEM - the crucial ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ Binding Ritual will be carried out on your behalf by Master Djinn Conjurer Fakir Izz al-Din Zakaria's fmaily. YES – YOU will have the highest-ranking legendary Djinn Conjurer's family perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, there is no extra cost for the World’s most acclaimed Summoner of Djinn-kind to carry the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’ on your behalf!  PLUS... you will also receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Djinn Amaranthine Ordinance Entente’.

 No rituals, no summoning, you will bond with your Djinn with incredible ease


  Are YOU ready to embrace the power of the ‘Celestratum Reliquary of the Quinquagenarian Djinn’?

 You simply CANNOT and MUST NOT miss this chance

Shipped from the UK

Custom Tarwa Djinn Binding
King Solomon "Absolute Pair" Duo Djinn - MIGHTY HIGHER POWERS
Sold Out
Guardians of the ‘Secret of the Ancient Djinn’ Bracelet - So Much POWER So LITTLE EFFORT!
Custom Ghul Djinn Binding
ALL-POWERFUL Sulaiman King Djinn Infinite Wishes ~ Wealth ~ Power Amulet