"The Truth" - Part 1

You wake up one day, your mind a blank slate, memory erased. Strapped securely over your eyes are virtual reality goggles, displaying a vivid, immersive world. Without memories or prior knowledge, you'd naturally assume that this digital realm is your reality, the only one you've ever known. 

This scenario parallels our own journey into life. When we are born, we pass through a metaphysical 'veil of forgetfulness'. In doing so, we lose the conscious memory of our true essence. We forget that we are, in fact, pure consciousness, entities with a rich past that stretches beyond the physical realm. 

This forgetting isn’t an accident, it's the very crux of our existence. Being here, in this human experience, is about not knowing the full extent of who or what we truly are. It's a journey of rediscovery, where the challenge is to piece together the puzzle of our true identity, hidden behind the veil of human forgetfulness. This process of slowly remembering, or sometimes remaining oblivious, is what adds depth, mystery, and purpose to our earthly sojourn.

Over the coming days, we are poised on the cusp of a monumental revelation... "The Truth." 

This unveiling promises to be a transformative experience, varying greatly for each individual. For some, it will arrive as a profound shock, a jolt to the very foundations of their understanding of the world. Their long-held beliefs and perceptions of reality will be challenged, perhaps even upended. For others, this revelation will be a moment of validation, an "I knew it" epiphany that confirms suspicions or beliefs long held in quiet confidence.

The essence of this revelation is simple yet earth-shattering. What you perceive as reality is, in fact, an elaborate illusion. The truths we're about to unveil will not only redefine your understanding of the world around you but also clarify your role within this grand tapestry. This journey towards understanding won't be gradual, we intend to bring you up to speed very quickly. It's a journey that delves deep into the heart of what reality truly is, peeling back layers of illusion to reveal the underlying truths.

This process is not just about imparting knowledge, it's about awakening. You'll be invited to reconsider not just what you see, but how you see it and more importantly, how you fit into this newly understood reality. Your part in this grand scheme is not a passive one; you are not just a spectator, but an active participant in shaping what we call reality. As we embark on this journey together, prepare to question, to challenge, and ultimately, to understand the deeper truths of our existence.


"The Truth" - Part 2


The Power of Belief